Home » What will be the education from September 1 in schools of Ukraine

What will be the education from September 1 in schools of Ukraine

by alex

Ukrainian children can spend the academic year 2022/2023 in such classes/Ministry of Education of Ukraine

September 1, 2022, a new academic year will begin in Ukrainian schools. What will education be like in Ukrainian schools – read the article on Channel 24.


The academic year 2022/2023 will take place under martial law, which was declared in Ukraine after the start of a full-scale Russian invasion. According to this, the entire educational process in Ukrainian schools will be subject to the logic of wartime.

The requirement of the Cabinet of Ministers was, if possible, to conduct training offline. Officials believe that this will ensure the necessary socialization of children and “better coverage of education.”

Ukrainian children completed the last academic year online, which affected both the level of teaching and the level of assimilation of the material. Also, many simply had no time for lessons – millions of Ukrainians left their homes, some lost them forever.

What will education be like in Ukrainian schools from September 1< /p>

A school in Marganets after Russian shelling on August 10/Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration

Preparing for the new academic year

According to the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, offline education is possible only in those schools where there are shelters. Educational institutions were given time to equip and repair them. For most schools, they have become basements. Control over the process was entrusted to the State Emergency Service, and the general vital is carried out by the local authorities, namely the Civil-Military Administration.

Throughout Ukraine, preparations for the new academic year are actively underway, in which a large number of state bodies are involved. Our main goal is to transform every educational institution into a safe territory. If it is impossible to create safe conditions for the stay of all participants in the educational process in an educational institution, offline learning will not take place. Security is the main component, – Deputy Minister of Education Vera Rogova spoke about preparations for the new academic year.

Reports from the Ministry of Education show that as of September 1, 36% of schools in Ukraine have proven shelters (according to the official classification – “the simplest shelters”). It is in such schools that full-time education will be possible.

What will education be like in Ukrainian schools from September 1

< em>Requirements for Shelter in Educational Institutions/MON Infographic

It should be noted that in some areas the situation is much better, and there the indicators of schools ready for offline learning are 70% and higher. For example, as of the end of July, in the Cherkasy region, 78% of educational institutions are ready for the start of a safe academic year offline, in Kyiv – 75%, in the Chernivtsi region – 76.3%. In big cities the situation is better, but in villages and small towns there are more problems.

In this case, everything will depend on the security situation in each individual settlement. Regional military administrations and founders of educational institutions will decide how training will take place.

Now more than a thousand schools have been destroyed or damaged in Ukraine. It also looks unrealistic to resume offline training in the frontline zones, and these are now the Nikolaev, Zaporozhye, Kharkiv regions, it is dangerous in the regions bordering Russia and Belarus in northern Ukraine. In addition, the evacuation from the Donetsk region and Luhansk region continues – education and even just staying there is dangerous for children.

The educational process

There will be four models of the educational process in the new academic year:

  • full-time;
  • remote;
  • blended learning;
  • individual form of work (external study or family form of study).

To determine which format is larger suitable for children, the Ministry of Education conducts a survey of parents. Now the majority choose a mixed or full-time format of the educational process, officials assure.

Not so happy in the reports of the educational ombudsman Sergei Gorbachev. His office initiated its own survey of parents on the organization of the new school year. By doing this, Gorbachev incurred the wrath of the Ministry of Education, which saw an encroachment on their own rights and a threat to their plans.

What frightened the Ministry of Education? The results of the study indicate that three-quarters of the parents surveyed are not ready for their children to study full-time from September 1. And although the authors of the survey emphasize that it is not representative, the news had a powerful effect and provoked a real epistolary war between officials.

As a result, they chose the golden mean – officials will create conditions for training, and will follow the parents.

The right to choose the form of education will be with the parents. The school administration will create conditions for full-time and distance learning, and is already working on a blended learning format. Some want children to return to traditional learning, interaction with teachers and communication with peers as soon as possible, because socialization is an important element for development. Other parents are satisfied with the conditions created in the protective structure of the school, but their hearts ache at the thought that they will not be near their child in case of an air raid, – Minister of Education Sergei Shkarlet commented on the choice of the form of education.

The invaders destroyed the last surviving school in the Kievsky district of Kharkiv – watch the video:

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