Home » What Ukrainians should expect in winter: an energy expert's explanation of the gas situation

What Ukrainians should expect in winter: an energy expert's explanation of the gas situation

by alex

What will winter 2022 be like – will there be enough gas/collage of Channel 24

There is a slight panic in relation to winter in the European Union. Ukraine is in a relatively better situation than Europe. We have our own gas production and largely covers the needs of the population and heat and power companies.


An expert from the Energy Strategies Institute Yury Korolchuk told Channel 24 about this. He also noted that if earlier we consumed 13 billion cubic meters, today we will consume about 10 billion, because many Ukrainians have gone abroad.

What will be the winter for Ukrainians

“There are already statements from Naftogaz that, unfortunately, they willreduce the temperature regime for the population. People should understand this and prepare for this,” says Yury Korolchuk.

According to him, we will be able to consume about 10 billion cubic meters of gas. And we should have had enough, because we produce about 18 billion, so we still have gas for the needs of the industry.

What is the problem – we usually consume gas in winter that we pump into underground storage facilities. So it was in previous years, somewhere around 30-40 million cubic meters of gas are pumped into storage facilities. Now there is another problem – a conditional conflict between Naftogaz and the government, – the specialist notes.

Naftogaz says that Ukraine will have enough 15 billion cubic meters of gas and they are right, by the way, because we have reduced gas consumption . But the government says it needs 19 billion cubic meters. And it is also right, becauseRussia can stop gas transit.

We are hostages of the transit of Russian gas

According to Korolchuk, we must understand that if the transit of Russian gas stops, then the pressure in the system drops. At the moment, transit continues, although the Russians have reduced gas supplies through Sokhranivka.

“And if gas transit is completely stopped, for example, in October, then we will need to” carry this bag with 19 billion cubic meters of gas “till April 2023. And the question is, will it be enough for us,” says Yuriy Korolchuk.

Allegations of a difficult winter are justified. She might be normal. But you need to prepare for the worst conditions. Now we have a problem with the fact that there is nowhere to buy this gas on the European market,” the expert adds.

“Therefore, as of today, we are hostages of Russian gas transit, I believe that preparatory work is being carried out But we may face the fact that wewill not be able to resupply gas to consumers“, sums up Yury Korolchuk.

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