Home » What types of summonses exist in Ukraine: who and where can serve them

What types of summonses exist in Ukraine: who and where can serve them

by alex

What types of subpoenas can be served to Ukrainians/Collage of Channel 24

In Ukraine, there is a general mobilization, so the issue of serving subpoenas is relevant and of interest to many Ukrainians. First of all, you need to understand that everyone can receive a summons – regardless of which mobilization queue he belongs to. However, you need to understand that the agendas are different and they do not always mean a call to service.

What types of agendas

Lawyer Victoria Tyutyunnikova notes that the delivery of the summons is not a basis for an immediate call for military service, that is, for mobilization. Now four types of subpoenas can be served:

  • subpoena to appear at the military enlistment office to clarify the credentials of a person liable for military service;

The purpose of this agenda is to update the data on conscripts in the military commissariat. Such data include: personal contacts, information about the conscript's health, family composition, place of work, study, etc.

  • a summons to undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office;

The goal is to determine the state of health and suitability of a citizen for service. Based on the results of the examination, a document is issued with the conclusion of the military medical commission on suitability or unfitness for military service.

  • summon-conscription for urgent military service;

By accepting such a summons and not appearing for it, a person evades conscription, therefore, risks being held criminally liable under article 335 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (punished by restriction of liberty for up to 3 years).

  • a summons to arrive at the recruiting station. Or “mobilization order”, “combat summons”, “dispatching summons”.

This type of summons is given to persons liable for military service who have passed a medical examination and are found fit for military service, and obliges the citizen to appear at the recruiting assembly point within 12 0150 24 hours after the announcement of mobilization.

What type of summons is handed “on on the street”

Those subpoenas that are now handed out on the streets are usually not military ones. Most of them provide for a call to the military registration and enlistment office for clarification of data or for a medical examination (i.e. the first or second type).

The fact is that many men have not entered the draft board for years. During those years, they may have three children, that is, they have grounds for deferment, or they may generally be unfit for military service for health reasons, etc. Therefore, representatives of the military registration and enlistment offices are taking such actions to find out who else can fight,” the lawyer explained.

You also need to understand if you were handed a summons for conscription for urgent military service or arrival at the site, for the recruitment of combat military units – a mandatory requirement is the experience of military service or a training meeting in the corresponding military specialty.

Important! Only those liable for military service who have military service experience or who have attended a training meeting before can be sent directly to military units.

Untrained persons liable for military service, without military service experience or training at a training meeting , are not immediately sent to the front line.

Mobilization in Ukraine: briefly about the main thing

  • With the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization. So far, at least until August 23rd. However, Ukraine is preparing to extend it, in particular, from October 1, women will be involved in military registration.
  • After all, almost all reservists have been involved in combat missions. There is no talk of mass waves of mobilization yet, but the conscription of citizens will continue until the end of martial law.

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