Home » What Shoigu's resignation means for the war in Ukraine: The Times explained the consequences

What Shoigu's resignation means for the war in Ukraine: The Times explained the consequences

by alex

How will Shoigu's resignation affect the war in Ukraine/Collage 24 Channel

Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to remove Sergei Shoigu from the post of Russian Defense Minister in favor of a new candidate. This dismissal is one of the largest reshuffles in the Russian government over the past decade. The Kremlin has a good manager in the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, these personnel changes in Russia will have a direct impact on Russia's war against Ukraine.

What does it mean for the war in Ukraine Shoigu's resignation

The Times report said that after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, the Russian military was plagued by rumors of wastefulness and incompetence by Defense Minister Shoigu. Journalists noted that the Russian official, known for his penchant for luxury, was under the scrutiny of anti-corruption activists.

In 2015, they discovered Shoigu's residence in a complex located in close proximity to Moscow , worth US$15 million. An estate that is noted to belong to his daughter-in-law. And it was built on land that his 18-year-old daughter allegedly purchased.

Thus, according to Tatyana Stanovaya, a senior researcher at the Carnegie Russia Eurasian Center, Putin’s goal in dismissing Shoigu is to increase the efficiency of weapons production and optimally satisfy the military needs of the aggressor country. Therefore, in this context, Belousov is a logical choice for the President of Russia, as a candidate for the head of the Ministry of Defense.

At the same time, military expert Rob Lee noted that personnel changes in the Ministry of Defense, probably indicates “President Putin’s trust in Belousov” and “the need to improve the internal management of the Ministry of Defense.” In addition, Samuel Bendett, a specialist in Russian military technology, emphasized Belousov’s reputation as “a great promoter of domestic drone development programs.”

The Kremlin also commented on the candidacy of the new minister. Thus, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov noted that Belousov is suitable for this position, since “military spending has increased to 6.6 percent of GDP.”

Today, the winner on the battlefield is the one who is more open to innovations, more open to their practical use in combat operations. Therefore, it is natural that at the current stage the president has decided that the Ministry of Defense will be headed by a civilian,” Peskov explained.

The publication also suggested that potential reshuffles in the Russian Ministry of Defense could lead and the resignation of the Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov. After all, new defense ministers usually seek to appoint an ally to key positions, although during a war this may not happen.

Journalists emphasized that despite the feeling of being overthrown, Shoigu will remain at position of Chairman of the Security Council. The newspaper noted that this is likely Putin's way of “keeping Shoigu close but separated from the 'system', where finding an alternative role would be difficult.”

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