Home » What Macron, Scholz and Draghi brought to Ukraine: details appeared in the media

What Macron, Scholz and Draghi brought to Ukraine: details appeared in the media

by alex

What Macron, Scholz and Draghi brought to Ukraine/Channel 24 Collage

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi arrived in Ukraine on the morning of June 16. Representatives of European countries seek to discuss two issues.

According to the adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Viktor Andrusiv, we are talking about granting Ukraine the status of an EU candidate, as well as resuming negotiations with Russia.

< h2 class="news-subtitle cke-markup">What is known about the visit of European leaders

According to media reports, it took several weeks to organize the visit.Politicians admitted that visiting Kyiv is a kind of response of the world, which criticized it for its insufficient reaction to the war.

As expected, the main purpose of Macron, Scholz and Draghi's visit to Ukraine is to discuss granting Ukraine the status of an EU candidate.

According to my information, Macron, Scholz and Draghi are bringing us the EU candidacy and… a request to return to the negotiation process with Putin,” Andrusiv wrote in his Telegram channel.< /p>

At the same time, European leaders will try to raise the issue of the negotiation process with the aggressor country. Yesterday, speaking to military personnel in Romania, Macron said that Ukrainian leaders would have to negotiate peace with Russia. It seems that the same theses will be heard today in Kyiv.

The French leader promises to do everything to stop the Russian military forces and help the Ukrainians and their army and continue negotiations.

Leaders of the countries seek to support Ukraine before the announcement of the decision of the European Commission

Earlier it became known that the arrival of Macron, Scholz and Draghi to Ukraine is an attempt by politicians to express support on the eve of the publication of the conclusion of the European Commission on the status of Ukraine as a candidate member of the European Union.

European representatives expect that the European Commission will recommend granting such a status to our state, subject to the implementation of a number of reforms. However, discussions are still ongoing in the EU about when exactly these reforms should be implemented: before or after obtaining candidate status.

Recall. According to Ursula von der Leyen, June 23-24 the historic meeting of the European Council. At this time, Ukraine will find out whether it will receive the status of a candidate for joining the European Union. concessions to “save Putin's face”.

Mario Draghi is also in favor of a diplomatic solution to the war. Italy has proposed its own “peace plan” to end hostilities.

The most ambiguous is the policy of Germany, in particular, Scholz. The country has been delaying arms shipments and continues to finance Russia by buying energy resources.

Zelensky is expected to push the visitors to provide more weapons to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces hold out against the Russian invader.

To the topic – Macron, Scholz and Draghi have already arrived in Ukraine: watch the video

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