Home » What kind of winter should Ukrainians expect: weather forecast

What kind of winter should Ukrainians expect: weather forecast

by alex

What will winter be like in Ukraine/Getty Images

The weather in Ukraine is getting warmer. This applies not only to summer, but also to winter. According to weather forecasters, there will be no too cold winter in 2023.

The probability of very low air temperature in winter for Ukraine is negligible. This was stated by the director of the Ukrhydrometeorological center Mykola Kulbida.

There may be frosty periods, but not for long

All winters Our temperatures are above normal. Frosty periods, perhaps even strong ones, are not excluded. But they will be short and will not affect the general period of winter,” Kulbida said.

He noted that over the past 25 years, the average temperature in January-February in Ukraine has increased by 2-2.5 degrees. This means that:

  • the number of days with minus average daily temperatures has decreased,
  • the duration of the winter period has decreased.

“In some years, we cannot even assess whether it was winter or not,” Kulbida admitted .

The most difficult winter in history awaits Ukrainians

Due to a full-scale war in some regions of Ukraine, problems with heating and electricity supply may arise in winter. The government is doing everything to provide the population with light and heat, but the war continues and the destruction may be more serious. That is why people are encouraged to prepare for the cold already now.

  • stock up on firewood and get an ax;
  • insulate your private house, and if you live in an apartment, then cooperate with your neighbors. Experts do not recommend saving on material for drowning the facade;
  • buy fleece pajamas, warm socks, thermal underwear, extra blankets, sleeping bags, paraffin or gas heaters;
  • install potbelly stoves.

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