< p _ngcontent-sc90="" class="news-annotation">Ukraine lives under martial law. All men of military age can receive a subpoena. When this happens, you need to come to the territorial recruitment and social support center.
Details were given by Ruslan Romanov, a legal analyst at the Right to Protection charity foundation. If a person has no grounds for deferment from conscription for military service, then he receives a summons for the passage of the VLK.
Under wartime conditions, a person must undergo a medical examination. This happens even if a decision on fitness for service was made before mobilization.
- If a person is considered temporarily unfit (under treatment), a re-examination can take place after 2 to 6 months.
- If a person is unfit for military service, a re-examination is scheduled in 6 to 12 months.
How the medical examination works
Romanov said that before the VLK, those liable for military service had a number of examinations in hospitals. Mandatory for all a series of surveys. In particular, X-ray examination of the chest and electrocardiography.
If a person is already 40 years old, the list is accompanied by a measurement of intraocular pressure and a blood test for sugar.
In general, each person liable for military service must examine:
- surgeon;
- therapist;
- neurologist;
- psychiatrist;
- ophthalmologist;
- otorhinolaryngologist;
- dentist;
- dermatologist.
Each doctor records information about the suitability (temporary or complete unfitness) for service at the conclusion.
If you are considered fit for military service, but you are recognized as a person with a disability in the prescribed manner, you have the right to appeal the decision of the medical board, the message says.
Who may be unfit for service
When finalizing the examination, the medical board makes a decision that a man:
- fit for military service;
- temporarily unfit for military service;
- unfit for military service with an exception from military registration.< /li>
In particular, people who have a visual acuity of one eye below 0.1 or have recorded blindness are unsuitable for military service.
Among the signs that may affect fitness for service, distinguish:
- vision problems;
- maxillofacial anomalies;
- eating disorders;
- habit disorders and motives.
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