Home » What kind of “children from Mariupol” were on stage at Luzhniki: the media told about almost everyone

What kind of “children from Mariupol” were on stage at Luzhniki: the media told about almost everyone

by alex

On February 22, a rally-concert was held in Luzhniki in Russia, organized in support of the war. A “volunteer” from Chelyabinsk Yuri Gagarin spoke there with the call sign “Angel”. Together with him, children from Mariupol, which he saved from Mariupol, came on stage.

The journalists managed to find out what kind of children went on stage with Uncle Yura. According to Meduza, they are indeed from Mariupol.

What is known about the family of the girl Anya

Journalists learned about the family of 15-year-old Anya Naumenko, who at a rally on February 22, she thanked Uncle Yura “for saving” from Mariupol.

“Thanks to Uncle Yura for saving me, my sister and hundreds of thousands of children from Mariupol,” she said. However, then I forgot the words and began to laugh at it.

Her sister Karolina gained media attention by shielding her ears from loud noises on stage. The journalists found out that in the Naumenko family, in addition to girls, there is also the youngest son Daniel. Where he is is unknown.

Family acquaintances said that their mother, Olga Naumenko, “led an asocial lifestyle,” and her children were regularly taken away from her, but then returned. Anya, according to media reports, spent some time in an orphanage. Her photos were found in the social networks of the institution's educators. In 2015, the mother took the girl home.

The girl's mother died during the shelling

After the start of the war, the family hid from shelling in the Left Bank Center of Culture and in the local government building. “The girl Anya, together with the men under the bombings, ran to the ATB for food. Everyone except her mother watched the children,” said a resident of Mariupol, who was with them in the basement.

As journalists found out, Olga Naumenko died during shelling in early April.

At some point, everyone who was in the shelter, “without asking, was evacuated,” said one of the residents of Mariupol, who knew the Naumenko family. According to her, Anya, Karolina and Daniil stayed with Olga Naumenko's common-law husband, Artur.

Journalists found in the telegram channels a message that he and his children had left for the village of Bezymennoe, Donetsk region. Where he is now, his relatives do not know.

In one of the social networks, Anya Naumenko notes that she lives in the village of Nikitskoye near Moscow. Two teenagers from Mariupol told the media that Anya was studying with them in the city. Two months ago, the girl posted a sad video with the caption: “Mom. I want to see you.”

The story of another family from Mariupol

More one child from the rally, who was identified by the journalists, is Kostya Vashchishin. He stood on the stage at Luzhniki in a black hat, to the left of Gagarin. According to Important Stories, the boy's parents, Igor and Kristina, survived and are now in Mariupol.

Uncle Yura/Screenshot

After the full-scale Russian invasion, the Vashchishins hid from shelling in the same places as the Naumenko family. The Vashchishins' acquaintances claim that Kostya's parents condemned the war.

In the orphanage, Igor and Kristina said that they would like to leave the city for a while and wait out the war, but they were not at all ready to go. According to the family's neighbor Mikhail, who spent a month in a shelter with the Vashchishins during the siege of Mariupol, the family remained in the city. Recognizing Kostya in the video from the rally on February 22, he suggested that the Vashchishins were invited to Moscow on a “short trip”.

Journalists also reported that at least three more children from the rally were taken to propaganda shows with Uncle Yura together with their mothers.

So, the girl in the pink jacket, who occupied Gagarin in Luzhniki, is six-year-old Sasha, the daughter of 29-year-old Natalia Sytnik from the village of Yalta near Mariupol. They lit up on October 17 in the show of propagandist Andrey Malakhov. In the same issue, four more children of the woman were seen.

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