Home » What kind of army – such “five-star” conditions: video, how the mobilized were settled in Ingushetia

What kind of army – such “five-star” conditions: video, how the mobilized were settled in Ingushetia

by alex

In Russia, there was nothing ready for mobilization, except for the speeches of dictator Putin and the head of the Defense Ministry, Shoigu. This is proved by the conditions in which the mobilized are settled in Ingushetia.

We have not had time to move away from the “latest weapons” of the Russians in the form of rusty machine guns, and then it turns out that they are settled in “five-star hotels”. And there is everything that Russians love so much – the spirit of the USSR and the lack of comfort.

What do 5 stars look like in Ingushetia

The video posted on the web shows that the room, designed for 11 people, just says “you wanted srsr – you have srsr”, because the old wadded mattresses definitely remember some other “leader”. And then not everyone was lucky, because even such “good” in spots was not enough for everyone.

Also, repairs in the “room” have not been seen for a long time. Probably from the time when mattresses were produced on which the mobilized would sleep. The ceiling in the room speaks eloquently about this.

Well, what can we say? What kind of army – such “hotels”.

“5 stars” for those mobilized in Ingushetia: watch the video

Meanwhile, partial mobilization continues

Mobilization in Russia continues at full speed, but the worst thing in this situation is that the occupiers are trying to involve Ukrainians from the temporarily occupied territories in the war against Ukraine. In addition, in Crimea, the Russians are handing summonses to the Crimean Tatars. The military and political leadership of Ukraine calls on our citizens in the occupation to avoid mobilization or, at the first opportunity, go over to the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

But in Russia, at the beginning of the 8th month of a full-scale invasion, they decided to protest. Who is only against mobilization, and who even decided to shout “no war”. The National Guard and special forces are detaining everyone – children, women, pensioners. At the same time, the detained men are given subpoenas.

Officially, the Kremlin announced its intention to mobilize 300 thousand people, however, according to media reports, the secret part of the dictator's decree says about a million.

Those time in the village of Tyumenevo in the Kemerovo region there was not a single man left – they were all taken to the war.

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