Home » What is the TCC in Ukraine: powers, structure and responsibilities of the body

What is the TCC in Ukraine: powers, structure and responsibilities of the body

by alex

There is information in the information space that TCC and JV are private commercial organizations, and not government agencies. What are TCCs and joint ventures in Ukraine, what rights and responsibilities do they have – read the ICTV Facts material.

What are TCC and SP

The Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support (TCC and SP) are military command and control bodies that ensure the implementation of legislation on issues of conscription and military service, mobilization and mobilization training.

Since 2022, the TCC and SP have replaced the previous system of military commissariats (in accordance with the regulations on territorial centers of recruitment and social support, approved by Resolution No. 154 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 23, 2022).

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As of 2023, the number of TCCs and joint ventures reaches more than 200 and is distributed among four operational commands: South, North, West, East. Some of them have separate territorial structural divisions within the center – branches.

What powers do TCC and JV have?

Lawyer and advocate Rostislav Kravets said that the activities of TCC and JV are carried out within the legal framework. They are legal entities and have all the rights necessary to operate. The general management of the center is carried out by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He approves the staff, staffing and structure of the TCC.

TCC and JV have an independent balance sheet, registration accounts of the Treasury authorities. The maintenance of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support is carried out at the expense of funds provided by the Ministry of Defense in the state budget. The centers are provided with military equipment in accordance with the state and its report card.

The Center in its activities is guided by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, as well as decrees of the President of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, adopted in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the routine Regulations.

TCC and joint venture have the following powers:

  1. In the prescribed manner, contact local executive authorities and local self-government bodies regarding assistance in the selection of citizens for service in the military reserve of the Armed Forces, military service under a contract, admission to higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and military educational units of higher educational institutions;
  2. Conduct and organize events for the purpose of patriotic education of the population.

The Center exercises its powers in interaction with executive authorities, local governments and other government bodies, enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination.

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Structure of TCC and JV

The Center of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support is staffed by military personnel, employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and military officers.

The TCC is headed by a chief who:

  • carries out general management of the center and branches;
  • bears responsibility for the implementation of tasks assigned to the center and branches;
  • puts forward proposals regarding changes in the staff, staffing of the center and its structure;
  • determines the functions of branches and their tasks;
  • issues instructions, orders, organizes and controls their implementation within his competence;
  • approves job descriptions of center employees and service responsibilities of military personnel;
  • organizes advanced training for military personnel and center employees;
  • is engaged in record keeping, preparation and presentation of reports specified by law;
  • represents the center in relations with local governments, executive authorities and other government bodies, institutions, enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination;
  • ensures the protection of information constituting state secrets;
  • sends selected candidates for military service under a contract for a medical examination by a military medical commission to determine their state of health and degree of suitability for military service.

What are the responsibilities of TCC and JV?

The task of the TCC and SP is to select citizens for military service in the military reserve of the Armed Forces, contract service (in the positions of privates, sergeants and petty officers), admission to higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and military educational units of higher educational institutions.

Main responsibilities of TCC:

  • carry out propaganda and explanatory work among the population in order to select citizens for military service;
  • check the level of physical fitness, organize a medical examination, testing on professional qualities and psychological testing. Based on the results obtained, it selects citizens for military service;
  • offer citizens, based on selection results, positions to which they can be appointed if accepted into military service under a contract;
  • keep records of citizens enrolled in the reserve for military service under a contract;
  • send citizens selected for military service under a contract to military training units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for concluding a contract and training in a military specialty. Persons wishing to serve in the military reserve of the Armed Forces or enter higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and military educational units of higher educational institutions;
  • send to military commissariats where persons are registered with the military;
  • conduct reception of citizens, consider applications regarding admission to service in the military reserve of the Armed Forces, military service under contract, admission to higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and military educational units of higher educational institutions, as well as on other issues related to the powers of the center;
  • organize and control the work of branches;
  • carry out advanced training activities for military personnel and center employees;
    perform other functions determined by law within the limits of their powers.

What TCC employees do not have the right to do

Lawyer and lawyer Rostislav Kravets said that TCC and SP employees do not have the authority to detain, cause or imprison any persons, including those liable for military service. They also do not have the right to independently check documents, only in the presence of police representatives.

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