Home » What is the situation with the light in Kyiv: there are 2 good news

What is the situation with the light in Kyiv: there are 2 good news

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc147="" class="news-annotation">Electricity situation improves in Kyiv after Russian shelling. The capital receives stable volumes of electricity.

This was announced on the evening of December 27 by YASNO General Director Sergey Kovalenko. According to him, Kyiv receives electricity with restrictions, but steadily. He emphasized that this is the first good news.

Kyiv still receives light with restrictions

The second good news, according to Kovalenko, is that these stable volumes of electricity can be evenly distributed due to temporary grid reconnection schemes.

At the same time, YASNO CEO noted that it is not known how the equipment will work if it gets cold.

But it is difficult to predict how the equipment will behave if the temperature drops and consumption rises. Fortunately, the New Year should be with pluses. However, the most important variable remains – the crazy neighbor and his missiles and Iranian “martyrs,” Kovalenko summed up.

What is the situation with electricity in Kyiv

  • In Kyiv so far a difficult situation after Russia launched a missile strike on December 16, and also attacked the capital with “martyrs” 3 days later. After the shelling, the difficult situation was in Kurenevka and Obolon.
  • Thanks to the efforts of power engineers, the load on the network was redistributed. Therefore, on December 25, the situation in Obolon, Kurenevka and Borshchagovka improved.
  • As of December 27, emergency blackouts are taking place in Kyiv. Previously drawn up schedules of stabilization shutdowns are not yet in effect
  • Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Petr Panteleev said that he had said that emergency power outages in Kyiv could continue throughout the winter. According to him, it is not yet possible to talk about a return to the pre-war situation.
  • Prime Minister Denys Shmigal said that Ukraine could pass the New Year holidays without emergency power outages. But this is possible if there are no new massive attacks.

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