Home » What is the military salary in 2024: amount of payments

What is the military salary in 2024: amount of payments

by alex

In Ukraine, the amount of monetary support for military personnel depends on the military rank, position held, intensity, duration and conditions of military service.

What salary will the military have in 2024 and what payments can you expect – in the ICTV Facts material.

How military salaries are calculated in 2024

Monetary support for military personnel is regulated by the law of Ukraine On the social and legal protection of military personnel and members of their families (Article 9).

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According to the document, the types of monetary support for military personnel are divided into:

  • Monthly basic payments
  1. official salary;
  2. salary according to military rank;
  3. long service bonus.
  • Monthly additional payments
  1. increase in official salary;
  2. allowances for specific features of military service;
  3. additional payments for performing certain tasks for the defense of the state (payments of 30, 50 and 100 thousand UAH);
  4. bonuses.
  • One-time additional payments
  1. rewards;
  2. help.

According to the Law of Ukraine On Social Protection of Military Personnel (Article 3), military salaries in 2024 depend on:

  • position;
  • military rank;
  • duration, intensity and conditions of military service;
  • qualifications;
  • academic degree and academic rank of military personnel (if available).

What is the military salary: amount

Monetary support for the military is calculated according to a rather complex and confusing system. Therefore, in 2024, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine launched an online calculator, with the help of which military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can independently calculate their financial support.

Military personnel on the front line receive cash support and additional payments for participating in hostilities. In 2024, the payment amounts will not change. However, from April 1, an additional surcharge of 70 thousand hryvnia was introduced to fighters who are on the front line for 30 days or more.

Participation in special tasks is paid additionally — amount from 30 thousand UAH. Military personnel undergoing treatment also receive an additional payment to their basic salary. You can find out more on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

Military school cadets will receive 2,350 UAH. Military personnel performing special tasks along the line of combat contact will receive 50 thousand UAH.

In general, military salaries in 2024 are:

  • basic salary of a military personnel — 20 100 UAH;
  • surcharge for participation in hostilities — 100 thousand UAH;
  • surcharge for every 30 days on the line of combat contact — 70 thousand UAH

You can also get a reward for destroyed Russian equipment:

  • Russian military vehicle — 12 180 UAH;
  • plane or helicopter — more than 100 thousand. UAH;
  • ship of the first rank — more than 243 thousand. UAH;
  • armored vehicles BMP and armored personnel carriers — more than 40 thousand. UAH;
  • tank — 48 720 UAH

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