Home » What is a sanitary zone in war: an expert’s explanation

What is a sanitary zone in war: an expert’s explanation

by alex

Putin, during a meeting with Russian military correspondents, announced the need to create a so-called sanitary zone in Ukraine due to the constant shelling of the Belgorod region. According to the dictator, it should be located at such a distance from which it would be impossible to reach the territory of the Russian Federation.

What is a sanitary zone in war, what are the signs of a sanitary zone and is it possible to create such a zone in Ukraine – read in the ICTV Facts material.

What is a sanitary zone in war

The sanitary zone is a security zone that is difficult to penetrate by means of destruction. Putin announced the creation of such a zone on the territory of Ukraine. With its help, it is planned to secure the territory of the Russian Federation from shelling. Putin probably meant that he plans to destroy all civilian infrastructure in the territories bordering Russia.

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In turn, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Alexey Danilov responded to Putin’s statement that it was Ukraine that would set the condition for creating a so-called sanitary zone after the victory over the Russian Federation. This corridor will be created by the Ukrainian military. It will become one of the conditions after Ukraine’s victory over Russia and will help prevent attacks on our territories in the future.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov noted that there is no such definition as a sanitary zone in war. In war there is a buffer zone.

A buffer zone is created to separate the opposing sides. Such a zone is always created at the expense of the losing side.

— That is, if Russia loses and signs an act of surrender, then we can demand the creation of a buffer zone along the border on the territory of the Russian Federation in order to limit their militaristic attitude,” said Oleg Zhdanov.

War can also create demilitarized buffer zone. A third party may enter it by agreement to separate the warring parties.

— By the way, such an operation is in the UN Charter to separate conflicting parties. Today it is held in Northern Cyprus. Such an operation has been going on there since 1974. UN troops are stationed along the demarcation line, a military expert commented.

A demilitarized zone may also be created. This is, in principle, the same as a demilitarized buffer zone, only here there is an obligation that there cannot be a single military personnel, or a single type of weapon or explosive, in this zone. In such a zone there must be complete demilitarization.

There are usually two options for creating a demilitarized zone:

  • by force – the winning side creates it at the expense of the territory of the country that is losing;
  • by agreement of both parties is equivalent.

— Putin spoke about the creation of such a zone a year ago, when he once again changed the goals of the “operation”. It seems that they are ready to limit themselves to seizing areas only along the administrative borders and creating a buffer zone there. By the way, then a figure was even announced – a 150-kilometer buffer zone along the borders to ensure the security of the territories,” said Oleg Zhdanov.

Perhaps this insane burning of infrastructure, settlements and other objects of the Sumy region can now be considered as an option for Putin to create a buffer zone in order to prevent Ukrainian security forces from reaching the state border.

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