Home ยป “What did they think”: SSO soldiers destroyed the crossing of Russians in the Luhansk region – epic video

“What did they think”: SSO soldiers destroyed the crossing of Russians in the Luhansk region – epic video

by alex

Ukrainian military blew up a pontoon bridge of Russians/Channel 24 collage class=”news-annotation”>Ukrainian special forces destroyed the invaders' crossing, which they so skillfully tried to make across the river in the Luhansk region.

The command of the special operations forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has published a video showing how the Ukrainian military “finalized” the pontoon bridge of the infidels, which they so safely laid the day before. But here's the bad luck – the Ukrainian military blew up the crossing.

The occupiers under their noses did not see how the Armed Forces of Ukraine were replacing the bridge

MTR operators were replacing the pontoon bridge at night. The Russians used it to cross the river.

After mining, the commandos blew up the enemy crossing.

The Ukrainian defenders are sincerely surprised why the Russians decided to build a bridge if there were already a lot of burnt equipment nearby


We don't know what the infidels were thinking when they were laying a pontoon bridge to cross the river in the Lugansk region. After all, around that place there are more than enough bad signs in the form of burnt Russian equipment, the message says.

wait In particular, the turret from the BMP-2, as well as its hull, which was nearby, got into the video frame. What the infidels hoped for is unknown. However, it is quite easy to predict what emotions our defenders experienced.

“We don't know what the enemy was hoping for. But we know exactly what emotions our soldiers had when they sent another enemy crossing into the air,” they add to the MTR.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to destroy infidels

Over the past day alone, the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to eliminate 200 invaders. A total of 32,950 Russian invaders have fallen since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The General Staff stressed that these figures are approximate. The intensity of hostilities makes it difficult to count the killed invaders.

In addition, thousands of pieces of enemy equipment have been turned into scrap metal. In particular, 1,440 tanks, 3,528 armored combat vehicles, 722 artillery systems, 230 multiple launch rocket systems, 97 air defense units, 2,485 vehicles and tankers, as well as 55 units of special equipment.

Important! Russian casualties will grow at a faster rate when Ukraine gets the necessary weapons. In particular, HIMARS missile systems, along with ammunition and trained crews, will be transferred to Ukraine by the end of June.

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