Home ยป What changes must a conscripted worker inform the employer about?

What changes must a conscripted worker inform the employer about?

by alex

At the end of 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers approved new rules for military accounting in Ukraine. Conscripts, persons liable for military service and reservists must be on the military register at the place of work.

What kind of changes must be reported to employers by conscripted workers, lawyer Natalya Lisova explained.

Employees are required to report data changes

Persons liable for military service must be on the military register at the place of work. Such employees must report changes to the following personal data within seven days:

  • surname, name, patronymic;
  • dates and places of birth;
  • place of residence and location;
  • information about parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees and other representatives (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth);
  • information about the family status of the person and members of his family (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), as well as children);
  • details of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine and international passport (series, number, date of issue, issuing authority, validity period);
  • citizenship information;
  • information about documents confirming the death of a person or the recognition of a person as dead or missing;
  • information on the recognition of a person as incapacitated (resumption of legal capacity);
  • information about employment (enterprise code, place of work, position);
  • registration number of the taxpayer's account card;
  • digitized face image;
  • information about the date of departure from Ukraine and the date of return to the territory of Ukraine;
  • information about education and specialty;
  • information about the state of health (including the establishment, change of disability group), collected in order to determine suitability for military duty;
  • information about bringing to criminal responsibility (notification of suspicion of committing a criminal offense);
  • information about the consideration by the court of a criminal case, a sentence that has entered into force;
  • information about the presence (absence) of a criminal record;
  • unique entry number in the Unified State Demographic Register (if any);
  • information about the right to deferment from conscription for military service during mobilization.

Important! The employer can give subpoenas to subordinates, but only if he has received an appropriate order from the head of the TCC.

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