Home » What are the chances of Ukraine receiving money from the confiscation of Russian assets in the United States – Ministry of Justice

What are the chances of Ukraine receiving money from the confiscation of Russian assets in the United States – Ministry of Justice

by alex

The likelihood that funds from confiscated Russian assets in the United States will be used to help Ukraine is quite high.

About this in an interview NV was told by Deputy Minister of Justice Irina Mudraya , who was recently in the United States as part of the official Ukrainian delegation.

— The chances of the adoption of this bill (No. 4175, which allows the US President to confiscate Russian assets in favor of Ukraine – Ed. ) are quite high. It was introduced in June 2023 and received bicameral support, and in less than six months it was already considered by the Foreign Affairs Committee. The next review would come before the Congressional Finance Committee. But, as a rule, when the issue concerns foreign policy or international law, the finance committee agrees with the conclusion of the foreign affairs committee, she said.

Let us note that the representative of the Ministry of Justice had a number of meetings with American officials regarding this document.

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Let us recall that against the backdrop of a critical situation with the process of allocating US aid to Ukraine, which is why President Joe Biden even urgently appealed to the House of Representatives and the Senate, the American Congress is considering a document that could ease the situation.

We are talking about bill 4175, which will allow the White House to confiscate Russian assets in the United States in favor of Ukraine. And this is approximately $8 billion.

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