Home » What are the chances of Boris Johnson becoming prime minister again after the resignation of Liz Truss: assessment of the international affairs

What are the chances of Boris Johnson becoming prime minister again after the resignation of Liz Truss: assessment of the international affairs

by alex

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Boris Johnson himself has not yet commented on his position regarding the desire or unwillingness to return to the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain. However, he definitely returns to the country, but the question remains whether he will again lead the Conservative Party.

An expert of the Ukrainian Prism Council of Foreign Policy told Channel 24 about this Alexander Kraev. Earlier, he spoke about what to expect for Ukraine after the change of British Prime Minister.

Johnson is silent about his return

Kraev noted that the situation with Johnson is very interesting, and it resembles an English detective. On the one hand, one of the inner-party coalitions advocated his resignation and replacement with Liz Truss. On the other hand, now they are saying that Truss should be changed to Johnson. The Times, Guardian wrote that Johnson is preparing to participate in the election.

However, Johnson himself and his team did not comment on this. With us, everything looks like Boris is returning, but Boris himself does not give any comments yet, although he is returning to Britain, because he should be at the epicenter of such high-profile political events. For the Conservative Party, this is a dangerous game. The brawler minister, who is required to resign, he leaves, they change him in order to return the brawler minister again in 45 days, – an expert of the Ukrainian Prism Foreign Policy Council noted.

Demands of the British society

He continued that stability is important for the British. Before the heating season, they need the new government, the new prime minister to show results:

  • They have the highest inflation of the 70s, reaching double digits for the first time since then.
  • They have rising prices for energy, fuel, electricity, food and basic commodities.
  • They have no idea what the state of affairs is in the real estate market and in the secondary market.
  • They have an unfinished Brexit.
  • They have a rather smooth relationship with Russia, to put it mildly, or rather , they are fighting with us against it, and this also needs money.

“On the other hand, the British are people of principle. The British society is very careful about the image component of its politicians. A policy against which there were so many hates, accusations of his immoral behavior, it’s not a fact that society will perceive it normally. And Liz Truss was accused of being that it is supported by a small percentage of society, and now only 100 votes of deputies are enough for the post of prime minister,” Kraev emphasized.

Kraev assessed what chances Boris Johnson has to become prime minister again after Liz Truss resigns: see video

Now there is no “climate” for Johnson

An expert from the Ukrainian Prism Foreign Policy Council added that Johnson is charismatic and this can play into his hands. He works very well with the party, image, public speaking, his voters. However, today is not quite the “climate” for such a leader. What the British now need is someone like Cameron or Blair who will immediately come up with an effective economic policy and strategy.

Johnson will want to “unscrew” it, but how successful it will be is another question. Johnson, despite his shocking and impulsiveness, is a pragmatic, most thoughtful, logical politician. Therefore, perhaps, after reassessing the situation, his decisions will not be what we expect, he stressed.

  • Lise Truss was Prime Minister of Great Britain for only 45 days. There are no rules in the UK to prevent Boris Johnson from running again for the post of prime minister.
  • Boris Johnson has a good chance of regaining the premiership, so he is already leaving his vacation. The former prime minister will manage to get the required number of votes to get into the second round.
  • After the announcement of the resignation of British Prime Minister Liz Truss, a meme hinting at support for Boris Johnson appeared on the official Twitter page of Ukraine. However, this was criticized in London.
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