Home » What a surprise: exit polls indicate a confident “victory” for Putin

What a surprise: exit polls indicate a confident “victory” for Putin

by alex

Putin allegedly confidently “wins” the elections in Russia/Collage 24 Channel

For several days – from March 15 to 17 – so-called “elections” were held in Russia and the occupied territories of Ukraine. Polling stations have not yet had time to close their doors, and they are already reporting on Putin’s confident “victory.”

Vladimir Putin did everything possible to so that in this spectacle, which is called “elections,” he wins. Actually, all potential rivals were simply removed. But this was not enough. They are already boasting that he is supposedly confidently “winning” the presidential race.

They are almost talking about a 100 percent victory

So, according to the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, allegedly more than 87% of voters cast their votes for Vladimir Putin. They immediately boast that he broke the previous record in 2018, when he was allegedly supported by 76.69% of voters.

They say that according to online voting in Moscow, Putin allegedly has 89.1% of votes in favor.

The “head” of the so-called “DPR” Pushilin couldn’t help but jump out of nowhere. He assured that in the temporarily occupied part of the Donetsk region, Putin has an unprecedented level of support – more than 95%. Surprisingly it's not 105! Although, everything can still change.

Soon the first data from the Central Election Commission appeared. As of 20:05 Kiev time, allegedly processed 24.4% of the protocols. And that according to them, Putin allegedly has 87.97% of the votes. Meanwhile, Kharitonov, one of the puppet candidates, received 3.8% of the votes according to the same results. But Davankov has 3.73%, and Slutsky has 2.96%.

The record figure is 87%, the propaganda Russian media write, already supposedly became a record.They say that there has never been such a level of support in a presidential election in the history of Russia. There is only one amendment: what happened in Russia during March 15 – 17 can hardly be called elections.

The Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also decided to remind himself. They say that the election commissions coped with their task – rigging the results – despite the fact that many DDoS attacks occurred.

At 20:27 Kiev time they stated that they allegedly processed 30 % of protocols. After this, Putin’s indicators were 87.68%.

It is clear that Dmitry Medvedev could not remain silent. He decided to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his “lightning victory” in the so-called “elections” in Russia. By the way, one of the dummy candidates, Davankov, called Putin’s victory undoubted.

And now perhaps the most epic indicator. So, they say that turnout among the armed forces of Russia in the elections was allegedly 99.8%. Corresponding the figure was announced by the Ministry of Defense of the aggressor country.

Russian State Duma deputy Nikolai Kharitonov also inserted his 2 cents. He says that “we worked out our program honestly and conscientiously during the elections.”

As of 20:45 Kiev time processed 34.26 % of protocols. According to the results, Putin allegedly has 87.5% support.

Meanwhile, Dmitry Peskov reported that the first election results to Vladimir Putin has already been informed. Another demonstration that he is sitting scared somewhere in a bunker.

And perhaps the most cynical as of 20:55 Kiev time. They boast that more than 1.3 thousand people out of 1442 of those who remained in the ruins of Avdeevka allegedly voted in the Russian presidential elections.

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