Home » What a shopping center looks like in Warsaw after a large fire: exclusive photos

What a shopping center looks like in Warsaw after a large fire: exclusive photos

by alex

Warsaw shopping center after the fire/Photo 24 Channel

A huge shopping complex burned in Warsaw. Photos showing the building several days after the fire was extinguished show the extent of the fire.

On Sunday, May 12, the specified commercial facility, in which about 1,400 stores operated, broke out in the capital of Poland. In this material 24 Channel shows a photo of the shopping center after the fire.

Shopping center in Warsaw after a fire

The shopping center building, located on Mariwiłska Street, 44, burned almost completely. Rescue services extinguished the fire for several hours. The cause of the fire began to be investigated by the relevant authorities, but there is no detailed information about this yet. Channel

K Fortunately, there were no casualties, as the shopping center caught fire at night – at about 03:31 a message was received to rescuers, they arrived at the scene 11 minutes later. In fact, as many as 50 fire brigades worked to extinguish the fire.

The flame spread quickly due to the accumulation of flammable materials, mainly textiles. In addition, there was information about the fire of chemicals harmful to human health. Locals were asked to close their windows and not inhale smoke.

Many Polish media outlets note that this fire raises many questions. In particular, the Onet resource writes: although its exact cause is not known, experts have no illusions that fire-fighting equipment was not maintained in proper condition.

Unfortunately, I often see people who ignore all safety measures. Escape routes and access to manual fire extinguishing equipment are blocked as standard. Sometimes it happens that fire fighting equipment is not maintained in proper technical condition, as a result of which the fire curtain does not close and the fire spreads to other parts of the building, an experienced firefighter describes the problem in general.

At the same time, Super Express notes that the fire suppression system in certain areas of the shopping center, which should have prevented the spread of fire, may not have worked. No one called the emergency fire department. It is likely that witnesses watched the fire, thinking that someone had already notified the authorities.

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