Home » Western weapons, the liberation of Kherson and grain agreements: adviser to the head of the OPU Mikhail Podolyak

Western weapons, the liberation of Kherson and grain agreements: adviser to the head of the OPU Mikhail Podolyak

by alex

Podolyak on Western weapons, the liberation of Kherson and grain agreements/Collage of Channel 24

The sixth month of Russia's full-scale invasion of our country continues. The Ukrainian people demonstrated to the world that they are ready to fight for their right to freedom to the end, or rather, victory.


At the same time, the Russians finally secured the title of liars, terrorists and violators of agreements. Read about the causes of the war, the liberation of Kherson and negotiations with the occupiers in an exclusive interview with adviser to the head of the President's Office Mikhail Podolyak, which was broadcast by Channel 24.

Why Russia went to war against Ukraine


On February 24, Russia treacherously attacked Ukraine, starting mass killings of people and destruction of cities. According to Podolyak, there are several reasons for this:

  1. The desire to seize Ukrainian territories;
  2. Opposition of values ​​- freedom and tyranny;
  3. Competition for markets;< /li>
  4. Supporting Russia's image as a state to be feared.

Today we have brought their reputation as a monster to their knees. This will not allow them to start negotiations or withdraw from the war. They will hate us as much as possible and want to kill us. And this is already psychiatry, – Podolyak emphasized.

Are there enough weapons to liberate the South

We are in great need of Western weapons. However, it is important not only how much it will be, but also that it is supplied constantly. After all, the counteroffensive and deblockade of territories is already underway and will continue.

If the weapon grows, everything will look bigger, not just one settlement, but 10 at once, not 100 or 200 dead Russians, but 1,000.Moreover, the “spectacular” destruction of the enemy will cause panic, demoralization and fear among the Russians. And all these are the best prerequisites for a riot that will become destructive.

On the deblockade of Kherson

The process of liberating Kherson from Russian invaders continues. APU is not going to stop. Mykhailo Podolyak said that so far there will be no negotiations with Russia or a ceasefire.

“I have seen a lot of speculation, a political game is already underway on this matter … But there is no program to stop the de-blockade and destroy Russian invaders on any territory of Ukraine . This is key,” Podolyak said.

It makes no sense to negotiate with Russia

Today, Russian agents are increasingly calling for people to sit down at the negotiating table. But with a country accustomed to killing and neglecting any agreements, it is pointless to talk.

The fact is that it is important for Russians today to fix the status quo in order to preserve “territorial heritage.” In addition, the occupiers seek to fix their “victory”, because they took part of the territories from Ukraine. A truce today is nothing but demoralization. After a while, they will start attacking again for new invented reasons.

Any negotiations from a philosophical, practical or economic point of view, they are not beneficial for Ukraine,” Podolyak stressed.

It will be possible to talk with the Russians only when they receive significant tactical defeats on the battlefield.

The third stage of the war

At present, the logistics of the Russian occupiers have been seriously undermined. Podolyak stressed that with the advent of the HIMARS MLRS, the third stage of the war began, highlighted by regular “claps” in the rear of the invaders.

The Ukrainian military continues to destroy ammunition depots, operational and tactical centers. In addition, shelling from Russian artillery has decreased by 10 times.

Over time, Ukraine will have more and more Western weapons, so such strikes will only increase. Thus, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to seriously disrupt the logistical support of the Russians, which will help to gradually push them out of the occupied territories.

Why will this be so? Because we must minimize the loss of personnel. For us, a warrior is a person who consciously goes to protect his family. These are fantastic people, – emphasizes Podoliak.

Where should the money for the sale of grain go

Restoring the sale of grain is an important task for Ukraine and the world. The adviser to the head of the OP noted that we need to solve several urgent needs:

  • Weapons – there should be a lot of them, because not all weapons are free, we can buy a lot;
  • Compensation and social benefits – people lost their homes, jobs, and so on because of the war. Therefore, the government has an obligation to provide them;
  • Infrastructure – roads need to be repaired to supply the same weapons to the front.

We need to spend a lot of money on all this, we have to earn it. After all, you can come and ask for money, but they don’t provide us with the required amount, because each country has its own vision of how these funds should be used,” explains Mykhailo Podolyak.

He added that the profit from grain – this is an addition of 10 billion dollars to our budget, which must be directed to the above-mentioned goals.

About Bakanov's departure

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed Ivan Bakanov from his post as head of the SBU. The adviser to the head of the Presidential Office explained that the decision was connected with the insufficiently effective management of the structure headed by Bakanov.

“This is not only a question of Kherson. Of course, there is a question why everything happened in Kherson. As well as from the military side, so and from the SBU. Probably, the president expected Bakanov to analyze why the situation turned out the way it did. But we did not receive this analysis, “explains Mikhail Podolyak.

The investigation is currently underway. We are talking about a general analysis of what happened in all our areas after the start of a full-scale invasion.

Podolyak noted that the management of such an important structure as the SBU, precisely during the war, should be effective.

What Ukraine will gain from recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism

A country that terrorizes civilians by bombarding cities with cruise missiles must be punished. Thus, today the recognition of Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism is extremely important. As a result, we will get complete isolation of the aggressor country – even from supporters of neutrality – the countries of Latin America, Africa, India, China, etc.

“The status of “sponsor of terrorism” more strictly regulates business, economic and financial relations with these countries. They will be motivated to significantly reduce the volume of trade with Russia,” Podolyak explained.

This will finally break all remnants of Russia's financial relations with the civilized world.

Threat attacks from Belarus

From the first day of the war, Belarus has been an actual participant in it, since it provided its territories for the shelling of Ukrainian cities with Russian missiles. The threat of strikes was and remains real, but the likelihood of an offensive is low. The OP believes that the Belarusian army will imitate the readiness to attack Ukraine for a very long time.

We must understand that the Belarusian society is not Russian. They do not understand war at all, it is people who are categorically against war. Therefore, there are no such moods in Belarus as in Russia, – Mikhail Podolyak is convinced.

As for Lukashenka, his words have no weight. So there is no need to take his bizarre statements seriously.

Why Russians are not people

Despite the harsh realities of life – danger, fear, losses – Ukrainians remain people. But we have to fight monsters who enjoy death and wash themselves with blood.

The adviser to the head of the Presidential Office noted that Russia is guided by other principles of life, because it is in a different coordinate system. So it is impossible to explain to the Russians that it is impossible to hit a peaceful city with cruise missiles. On the contrary, they have a bloody veil in their eyes and they want more missiles.

Russians enjoy the deaths they see live and they put a lot of money into it emotionally and financially. – Podolyak is convinced.

In the end, the world must realize that Russia must cease to exist in the form it is today.

Exclusive interview with Mikhail Podolyak: watch the video

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