Home » Western partners cannot decide what they want – British-Canadian political scientist

Western partners cannot decide what they want – British-Canadian political scientist

by alex

Western partners can't decide what they want, – British-Canadian political scientist./Channel 24 Archive

Being, de facto, in a state of large-scale war with Russia, Ukraine is completely dependent on Western aid. In particular, from the aid coming from the leading countries of NATO and the EU. One of the biggest donors for our country in this regard is the United States.

What do the United States mean when they say that they will give Ukraine all the necessary weapons, what direct financial assistance in the amount of $ 7.5 billion from the United States will be spent on, and who lobbied for Kyiv's participation in the NATO summit in Madrid and what it will mean for us Taras Kuzio, a British-Canadian political scientist of Ukrainian origin, told Channel 24 website exclusively.

Lend-Lease and Aid to Ukraine

The OP says that the first American weapons provided by Lend-Lease will arrive in 2-3 weeks. Please comment, Mr. Taras.

Such information, as a rule, is not disclosed until the fact of the transfer of weapons actually takes place. So now I don't know anything about it. Such things should be secret.

Such phrases provoke the Russians to look for a way to strike in advance and thus destroy these weapons before they are in the hands of our military.


The US Ambassador said that Washington would provide Ukraine with all the necessary weapons. That is, the question of any restrictions on the supply is no longer raised?

Ukraine really requires an exclusively streamed supply of weapons, and not dosed, as it is now. Particular emphasis should be placed on the supply of heavy weapons in this format.

 Western partners cannot decide what they want, – British-Canadian political scientist expert/Photo provided by the speaker</em></p>
<p>Another big question for the West is: why are these weapons coming here at such a slow pace?</p>
<p>In order to remove all the issues that Ukrainians now worry about in the context of armaments, the military-industrial complex of our closest allies should soon be reorganized into a continuous supply of weapons to us.</p>
<p class=Western countries did not expect such a large-scale war . Therefore, their industrial capacities are not ready for the broadest armed support of the Ukrainian troops now. All of them need time to reformat the military-industrial complex in a military way.

Secondly, not all NATO countries have a powerful military-industrial complex sector. For example, Canada, which has always been very weak in terms of military potential. She spends very little on defense. They have almost nothing that Ukraine could need now. Just no, that's all.

Another aspect here is that a significant number of countries want to take care of their own armies as well.

And most importantly, the West does not have a unified position on the issue, but what will be a victory for Ukraine: the liberation of territories to the borders fixed as of February 24 or the complete liberation of all territories of Donbass.

This is also the fault of our guides too. The President first said that the victory for us would be the liberation of all territories. And then, after some time, he says that the victory will be the status quo on February 24th. I do not see our clear position that could guide our partners and tell them how to proceed.

In addition, there is a question for the West as such. Western partners cannot decide what they want. Do they want to dismantle the Putin regime. When Biden said a few months ago that Putin should be removed from power, he was quickly silenced.

Western partners cannot decide what they want, – British -Canadian political scientist

According to the expert, the West itself does not know whether it wants to dismantle the Putin regime/Channel 24 site collage that the effect of this act is not limited to the current year, but will continue next year. Was this done specifically so that the American military-industrial complex had time to adjust to the uninterrupted supply of weapons to Ukraine?

Probably, this was done taking into account the upcoming elections, which will be held in the period 2023-2024. In addition, it should be understood, for starters, that not a single country is currently operating under martial law among our partners. factories were ready to work exclusively for the needs of the front. Therefore, some time is needed here to reformat, including the American armed factories on a military footing. That is why this Lend-Lease story is designed for such a period. It can then be extended if necessary.

How should $7.5 billion of direct financial assistance from our American partners be used?

This will be based on the results of the Ukrainian-American dialogue in this context. I think that this money will go primarily to what the Ukrainian side needs most of all now. That is, for weapons, of course. For heavy artillery, which will help us in the difficult situation that we have today in the East.

Who lobbied for Ukraine's participation in the Madrid NATO summit and what does this mean for our state?

It must be said here that NATO really has a completely different structure than the EU. In the Alliance, everyone listens mainly to what Washington has to say. In addition to America, other countries that have nuclear weapons in their arsenals also have a lot of weight.

100 pieces of HIMARS on the battlefield is a victory, – Piontkovsky: watch the video

For example, Great Britain, France will also have a decisive influence. In addition, these are also those countries that invest in the Alliance a regulated 2% of GDP on a regular basis. These are the Baltic states, Poland and others already named earlier.

And by the way, our Baltic partners, like the Poles, understand much better the scale of the disaster that Russia brings to the world. Therefore, they are also among the lobbyists for Ukrainian participation in the upcoming summit.

On my own behalf, I will add that it is unpleasant for me that for 14 years now NATO has not been working quite correctly with Ukraine and Georgia on the issue of their membership. Constantly delays the receipt by both countries of the MAP. Conversely, when Finland and Sweden raised the issue of their accession, they immediately received the green light.

This gradation of countries looks unpleasant. There are countries of the first stage and the second, like Ukraine and Georgia. If there were no war with Russia now, Zelensky would have drawn the attention of Western politicians to this moment. And now he cannot do this, because Ukraine is in a position where it cannot afford criticism towards the Alliance. But you and I, as journalists and experts, must do this.

Although I am a Western-oriented person, it sometimes seems to me that NATO representatives are lying to Ukraine and Georgia when it comes to membership.

Before the war, one could understand this by explaining such a position as fear of a Russian attack. Why be afraid now, when the Kremlin has already launched a great war against us? The European Union and NATO should clearly state that Ukraine is part of the Western world, not Eurasia.

Western partners cannot decide what they want, – British- Canadian political scientist

The EU and NATO should speak clearly about Ukraine, the expert emphasized/Photo Facebook NATO

Why the war in Ukraine has become possible? Yes, because the West has left our country in a gray zone. We were neither members of the European Union or NATO, nor were we part of the Eurasian Union. And because of being in this “no mans land” or gray zone, Russia decided to start a war and drag us back into its sphere of influence.

Returning to the Madrid summit, I will say, that this gesture inviting Ukraine to take part in it is a demonstration that NATO, as a military-political bloc, is still on our side in the war against Russia.

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