Home ยป Weapons developed against massively killing superbugs

Weapons developed against massively killing superbugs

by alex

Scientists at Purdue University in Australia have developed the drug as a weapon to combat the deadly drug-resistant enterococcus, which kills two thousand people annually in the United States alone. This is reported in an article published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

Researchers have obtained biologically active molecules based on the drug acetazolamide, which has been used for over 80 years in the fight against glaucoma, congestive heart failure and other diseases. These compounds have increased activity against clinical strains of enterococcus, which causes nosocomial infections. Some molecules are rapidly absorbed and fight systemic infection, while others are capable of destroying bacteria inside the gastrointestinal tract.

Enterococcus superbugs enter the intestinal tract, with the highest risk of infection for those who have been hospitalized and are in the hospital, therefore enterococcal infections are classified as nosocomial infections. They can cause peritonitis when intestinal contents enter the abdominal cavity. Like other superbugs, enterococci are massively resistant to antibiotics.

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