Home » We underestimated the enemy, – Putin's top adviser admitted the deplorable state of the Russian army

We underestimated the enemy, – Putin's top adviser admitted the deplorable state of the Russian army

by alex

A senior Kremlin adviser acknowledged the deplorable state of the Russian army in Ukraine/Channel 24 Collage

168 days of heroic confrontation with the Russian occupiers continue in Ukraine. The enemy himself openly admits the deplorable state of his own army and complains about the power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


  • 1There are no high-precision weapons in Russia, but soldiers – not enough
  • 2Unguided Russian projectiles are ineffective
  • 3HIMARS in the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an “exacerbation of problems” for the occupiers
  • < li _ngcontent-sc100="">4By the end of summer, the situation for the occupiers may “become dramatic”

Ruslan Pukhov, adviser to the Russian Defense Ministry and head of the Moscow Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, said that the situation for the Russian army in Ukraine “may become dramatic as early as the end of this summer.” The interview of the Russian was transcribed by the German publication FOCUS.

In an interview with a Russian journalist, Pukhov complains that the front line in Ukraine is too long, and there are not enough invaders sent to our state, in particular infantry. The Ukrainians are strongly holding the line and have numerous artillery and ground troops.

We are trying to break through the Ukrainian line of defense with too few soldiers, vulnerable tanks and military machines. the Russian army is trying to solve the problem of mass use of artillery, but progress is too slow, admits Pukhov.

Throughout the interview, the adviser of the Russian Ministry of Defense complains a lot about the equipment of their army, in particular, that the aggressor country does not have new generation fighters and high-precision weapons. According to him, this is precisely what influenced the fact that the Russians failed to conquer the Ukrainian airspace.

Pukhov says that in Ukraine they use obsolete tankswhen the Israelis and Americans have long updated their equipment with modern technologies. At the same time, direct clashes between Russians and Ukrainians on the battlefield are compared to “gladiator fights”.

The Russian analyst notes that the occupying army fires hundreds, sometimes thousands of unguided projectiles at Ukrainian territory. According to him, they are cheap, however, they show almost no results.

So, he emphasizes that two high-precision enemy projectiles, that is, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, inflict significantly more harm to the Russians than thousands of uncontrolled, released by the occupiers on Ukrainian positions.

Thanks to the agility, range and accuracy of American HIMARS, Ukrainian soldiers can now destroy enemy ammunition depots, command posts and supply chains from a relatively long distance.

To this, of course, complains and poohs– notes that before deliveries of HIMARS to Ukraine, both the Russian and Ukrainian military used howitzers and MLRS that could hit at a distance of 13 to 25 kilometers, so now American weapons exacerbate the problems significantly. occupying troops.

Pukhov understands that supplies Western weapons to Ukraine will be stable. He notes that the APU is quickly learning to exercise it. Therefore, the Kremlin adviser concludes that by the end of summer the situation for the occupiers “may become dramatic” . The analyst complains that Russia is not mobilizing enough soldiers as Ukraine “is already in its fourth wave of mobilization.” Forces of Ukraine – edition 24 channel). The Ukrainians certainly have problems with the Russians in a big offensive, but their troops are well equipped, – admits, summing up, pukhov.

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