Home » We intend to recapture part of the territory lost last year – Cavoli on the Russian offensive

We intend to recapture part of the territory lost last year – Cavoli on the Russian offensive

by alex

NATO General said what the Russians intend with their offensive in the Kharkov region/Collage 24 Channel

The Russian army intends to recapture territory in the Kharkov region, which the Ukrainian army deoccupied last year. However, it is still unknown whether Russia will be able to carry out a summer counter-offensive.

This was stated by the Commander-in-Chief of NATO Allied Forces in Europe, Christopher Cavoli, the correspondent reports 24 Channel in Brussels.

NATO General speaks out about Russian offensive

According to Cavoli, it is still difficult to predict what intentions the enemy has regarding his offensive.

They (Russians – Channel 24) are attacking south towards Kharkov. It is clear that they intend to recapture some of the territory they lost last year during a devastating offensive by Ukrainian troops. The exact sequence and how they are going to do this is not yet entirely clear, the NATO general said. that “you can never be sure.” However, the military leadership of the Alliance does not see the creation of large reserves of troops for this. Cavoli.

The Alliance said whether a Russian breakthrough at the front is possible

  • Supreme Commander of NATO Allied Forces Europe Christopher Cavoli said that the Russian army has the ability to achieve local successes at the front. However, the general is confident that the Russians do not have the skills and capabilities to break through at the front to gain a strategic advantage.
  • In addition, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Rob Bauer is confident that the Russian offensive will in the Kharkov region will not force the Ukrainian authorities to sit down at the negotiating table. The lieutenant admiral also added that the offensive of Russian troops on the front in Ukraine is not a strategic success. enemy in the area. However, it has not yet been possible to stabilize the front line.
  • Russian invaders have recently increased their pressure in the north of the Kharkov region, in particular, they have begun to increasingly use guided bombs and shelling front-line settlements . Read more about the situation with the Russian offensive in the Kharkov region in the material.

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