Home » We have already said everything – Putin spoke about Navalny’s death

We have already said everything – Putin spoke about Navalny’s death

by alex

Peskov rejected Western accusations of the Kremlin's involvement in Navalny's death/Collage 24 channel

On February 16, the Kremlin announced Navalny’s death in a maximum security colony. Putin responded to the West's accusations.

After it became known about the death of Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin was blamed in many countries around the world. They consider Putin and his regime responsible for the death of the oppositionist.

What Peskov said

Press secretary of the Russian dictator Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin has already said everything it needs to about Navalny’s death.

Statements by the leaders of Western states in which they accuse Putin of the murder of Navalny, he called “completely insane and unacceptable.”

No statement from doctors, no information from forensic experts, no final information from the FSIN, there is no information about the causes of death. And such statements follow. “It’s obvious that they are absolutely rabid,” Peskov emphasized. that Putin has already been informed about this. He noted that “decisions are being made that should be made in such a situation.”

In the State Duma they began to “roll barrels” on USA and EU

Meanwhile, in Russia itself, officials resort to openly cynical statements. Thus, the speaker of the Russian State Duma Volodin publicly said that Navalny’s death was beneficial to Brussels and Washington.

According to him, Stoltenberg, Scholz, Sunak and Zelensky.

Next, Volodin gave out another nonsense. He said that Navalny allegedly died due to Western sanctions against Russia and those who support Ukraine in the war.

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