Home » We cannot rule it out – former British Defense Minister on sending troops to Ukraine

We cannot rule it out – former British Defense Minister on sending troops to Ukraine

by alex

What are they saying in Britain about sending troops to Ukraine/Collage 24 Channel (Photo by Getty Images)

The former British Defense Minister does not rule out that British troops could be sent to Ukraine. He also called for a cross-party commitment to 3% of GDP as a minimum level of defense spending.

Ben Wallace announced the relevant information to foreign journalists. Before this, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ruled out sending troops to Ukraine.

What the ex-British Defense Minister said

Ben Wallace said London could not wait for an improving economy to increase funding for the armed forces.

The ex-minister is convinced that he would like to campaign in the House of Representatives to make sure the major parties understand the danger they face. This, according to the former official, should be in their statements.

He explained that it could not be ruled out that British troops might have to be sent to Ukraine to confront Russia.

We have to use that phrase: 'We can't rule it out'… I mean, part of deterrence is ambiguity… To keep the adversary guessing about how far we can go and what we'll do,” Ben said Wallace.

He explained that Putin is a master at keeping everyone guessing.

“And I think it's better – “Make sure he understands that we consider his actions in Ukraine very serious. I think that President Putin – and we just saw this during the sham election – is the closest thing to Adolf Hitler in this generation,” Ben Wallace assured. 60~/p>

In Italy they responded to statements about the possibility of sending Western troops to Ukraine

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said she is against sending Western troops to Ukraine. According to her, as ANSA writes, this could become a reason for the escalation of war.

Regarding the proposal put forward by France regarding a possible direct (military) intervention… Our position is not in favor of this hypothesis, which is a harbinger of a dangerous escalation that should be avoided at all costs,” Meloni said in a speech in the Senate.

Bloomberg wrote , that the Italian prime minister criticized French President Emmanuel Macron, who is pressuring German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to take a stronger stance, warning of the “existential” threat Russia poses to the European Union.

Georgia Meloni said that negotiations with dictator Putin are useless.

“How can you sit at the negotiating table with someone who has never respected any agreements?”, – said the Italian official.

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