Home » We broke through the wall, we hope to get missile defense soon, – Venislavsky

We broke through the wall, we hope to get missile defense soon, – Venislavsky

by alex

Ukraine hopes to get effective air defense that shoots down missiles/General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Russians ruthlessly fire missiles at peaceful Ukrainian cities. Therefore, we need reliable air defense.

People's Deputy Fyodor Venislavsky, on the air of the national telethon, spoke about working with partners and allies to transfer effective air defense. There are successes in the agreements, channel 24 informs.

It is necessary that air defense shoot down missiles

According to Venislavsky, partners and allies announced that in In the near future, we will be given medium and long-range air defense systems. This is exactly what we need.

The main thing is that these air defense systems will include missiles that can perform the function of anti-missile defense. After all, it is very important for us to shoot down missiles, because even the old Soviet-style systems that we have can destroy aircraft.

Our soldiers of the air defense troops demonstrate very high skill. This is despite the fact that our complexes are not adapted to shoot down missiles, but we use them to shoot them down. If we get those complexes that will be aimed specifically at missile defense, then this will significantly reduce the risk of attacks on civilian targets. – explained the People's Deputy.

According to him, the president, the Minister of Defense, the Verkhovna Rada and everyone who can constantly work on this issue.

“I think that we have already broken through a certain wall and there is hope that in the near future we can get those systems that will create such an “iron dome” like the Israeli one. Then this will not allow missiles to hit civilian targets,” Venislavsky assured.

Russia shells Ukraine

  • On June 27, the Russians barbarously shelled the city of Kremenchug in the Poltava region. They fired two rockets: one hit the shopping center, the other – the enterprise. The shelling of the shopping center claimed the lives of almost 20 people. Another 36 are missing, there are many injured. The building burned to the ground, rescuers are still clearing the rubble. A total of 1,000 people were in the mall at the time of the attack. Because of the second strike on the enterprise, they also suffered.
  • Kremenchug was fired with X-22 missiles. She is of the Soviet type. And the Kh-101 missiles and others are modifications. They have foreign-made parts, mainly from Japan, the USA and Europe, that is, chips and microcircuits. It was even possible to identify the Russian pilots who released them. War criminals serve in the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment of military unit 33310, based in the Kaluga region, in the village of Shaikovka.
  • The Russians are also shooting at other cities and villages in Ukraine. Therefore, the authorities are asking people not to ignore air raid warnings, but to go for cover. On the night of June 28, the enemy launched a missile attack on the Mykolaiv region, in particular on Ochakov. As a result of the next shelling, three people were killed, and 6 more were injured. Part of the enemy missiles managed to shoot down our air defense. In total, 11 Russian warheads flew. Among the dead is a 6-year-old girl, and a child who is three months old is in a coma.

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