Home » We are not talking about a second invasion, – Podolyak on the deployment of Russian military in Belarus

We are not talking about a second invasion, – Podolyak on the deployment of Russian military in Belarus

by alex

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The OP reacted to Lukashenka's statement about the deployment of Russian invaders on the territory of Belarus. The Ukrainian authorities are convincing that our state is ready for possible threats.

However, there is no mention of another Russian offensive from Belarus. The situation is under control, the OP emphasized.

“Lukashenko continues to sell the last crumbs of sovereignty to the Russian Federation”

Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, is convinced that the statement about the deployment of Russian troops on the territory of Belarus under fictitious pretexts is a formalization of the occupation. However, Ukraine assesses the possible risks and is ready to respond to them.

Earlier, Russian media disseminated several statements by Lukashenka. In particular, about the creation of a joint military group with Russia. The self-proclaimed president tried to convince that allegedly there was some kind of threat for Belarus.

In addition, Lukashenka said that Russian troops would arrive on the territory of the state. He also assured that “it will not be a thousand people.”

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Belarus is again talking about fictitious “threats”

  • The day before, Minsk again invented “strike planning” against Belarus. Then they called our ambassador and handed him a note.
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine noted that these statements are not true. It was also suggested that such messages from the Belarusian authorities may be part of Russia's plan to provoke and further blame our state.
  • Subsequently, the head of the border committee of Belarus complained that our defenders had blown up almost all border bridges and replaced roads. Moreover, customs officers are frightened by our terrorist defense.
  • Later, Lukashenka cynically threatened Ukraine after the explosions on the Crimean bridge. Again, he spoke about the fictitious “Ukrainian attack on Belarus” and promised a brutal response.

By the way! This time, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus did not mention either the map or the positions, from which allegedly “an attack was being prepared.”

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