Home » We are losing millions every day – Nyem about the situation with the queues in Yagodina

We are losing millions every day – Nyem about the situation with the queues in Yagodina

by alex

The situation at the Yagodin checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Polish border is still critical. Due to the long queues, Ukraine is losing colossal amounts that could have gone to the budget.

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Mustafa Nayem said this during a briefing, according to Channel 24. Now Ukraine and Poland are negotiating to resolve the situation at the Yagodin checkpoint.

How much Ukraine loses every day

Mustafa Nayem noted that due to the fact that Ukrainian trucks have to stand in lines for a long time, and only about 2 dozen trucks a day enter Poland, Ukraine does not receive millions of hryvnias to its budget.

Now it's not just a sharp drop, it's a catastrophic drop in traffic due to Yagodin. And this means that we are now losing not hundreds of thousands of dollars every day, we are losing millions that do not fall into our budget,” Naiem emphasized.

Infrastructure Minister Alexei Kubrakov specified that trucks pass through Yagodin every day brought Ukraine an average of 55 to 60 million hryvnia. Now all this income is lost.

Now the Ministry of Infrastructure is actively negotiating with Polish colleagues on this situation. In addition, Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki will arrive in Ukraine on September 9. During the meeting, the situation on the border will also be discussed with him.

First agreements between Ukraine and Poland

Subsequently, Mustafa Nayem said that Ukraine and Poland had reached the first agreements on the situation at the border – from 8:00 on September 9, empty trucks, both Ukrainian and Polish, would pass out of turn at the Ustilug-Zosin checkpoint.

< p class="bloquote cke-markup">The border checkpoint “Ustilug – Zosin” is the closest to the crossing “Yagodin – Dorogusk”. The introduction of the empty transport exit regime in Ustiluga should lead to a reduction in queues in Yagodina. We hope the friendly step of the Ukrainian services will put an end to the blocking of checkpoints from the Polish side and will help improve the efficiency of the work of the phytosanitary and veterinary services of the Republic of Poland,” Nayem emphasized.

Queue lines at the Yagodin checkpoint: the main thing

< p> Due to the full-scale invasion of Russia and the actions of the invaders in the Black Sea, the export of Ukraine through the ports has become almost impossible, so they began to carry it out mainly by land. Therefore, traffic jams began to appear at the checkpoints between Ukraine and Poland, but the border guards on both sides worked effectively. However, this cannot be said about the phytosanitary and veterinary control from the Polish side.

Their efficiency has significantly decreased, which led to the fact that Poland received only 20-25 Ukrainian trucks per day.

As a result, queues of almost 3,000 trucks, 45 kilometers long, formed at the Yagodin checkpoint. The problem is also that there are empty trucks in the queues due to checks of phytosanitary and veterinary control, which go for the goods. That is why the Ukrainian and Polish sides agreed on the passage of empty trucks.

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