Home » We are already negotiating: Kim announced new surrenders of Russians along with equipment

We are already negotiating: Kim announced new surrenders of Russians along with equipment

by alex

The Russian military is increasingly willing to surrender to the UAF in the South. At the same time, today there are a number of obstacles hindering this process for the occupiers.

Ukraine communicates with Russians who want to surrender through the “I want to live” project. Vitaly Kim, head of the Nikolaev OVA, told channel 24 about this.

The Russians want to surrender

The official noted that in order to Russians have a project “I want to live”, which can be used by those infidels who want to surrender.

They all want to safely surrender and not be criminally responsible in their own country. But we need to make it easier for them. Many want to surrender, but are afraid that they will go to jail or shoot their own. If they leave with vehicles, it's just a bonus . It's not difficult, since most have relatives in Ukraine who can accompany it,” Kim explained.

According to him, the Russian military is now strongly monitored by the Kremlin's special servicesso that they do not give up on vehicles.

” They left a lot of vehicles, which increased control over this. But we are in negotiations regarding two more units – we will not disclose details. I think it will continue to work. The fact that they will surrender through the project “I want to live” is unambiguous, “added the head of the Nikolaev OVA.

He pointed out that the problem of the process of surrendering Russians from technique is complicated by minefields .

“It is difficult for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to communicate so that they pass through the front to some section. This is not possible everywhere because of minefields,” Kim concluded.

How Russians surrender in the South: see video

Project “I want to live”: how to surrender

A “hot line” of the project “I want to live” for Russian servicemen, where you can call and inform about the desire to surrender. This call is a guaranteed opportunity to stay alive.

Russians can surrender to Ukraine by calling:

  • +38 066 580 34 98
  • +38 093 119 29 84

The “hot line” is open around the clock. There, the Russians will discuss the terms of surrender with authorized representatives of the Ukrainian command.

Pay attention! There is also a chat-bot in the telegram, with which you can surrender.

After that, on the territory of Ukraine, the mobilized must contact the specified numbers with the military and surrender. At the same time, Ukraine will ensure a safe exit and issue it as a surrender in battle. This will save all payments and benefits for Russian military personnel and protect them from possible criminal prosecution.

Moreover, this can be done not only by the mobilized person personally, but also by his relatives or friends. So, Andrei Yusov said on the air of the telethon that relatives are already actively making phone calls to the “hot lines” of the project, even when their men have just received summons. Relatives from the territory of the quasi-republics in the East of Ukraine are also calling.

What Ukraine guarantees

According to the I Want to Live project, Ukraine guarantees compliance with the standards of the Geneva Conventions for the treatment of prisoners of war. They will be provided with:

  • food;
  • medical care;
  • legal support from international organizations;
  • communication with relatives ;
  • the possibility of exchanging for Ukrainian servicemen who are in captivity of Russia.

Vladimir Zelensky also spoke about guarantees to Russians who surrender. Yes, he stressed that if the prisoners are afraid to return to Russia and do not want an exchange themselves, Ukraine will find a way to ensure this for them.

Russians surrender: what is known

  • The military reported that they had established fire control over almost the entire occupied Kherson region. This has a significant impact on the situation at the front, as the enemies are trying to hide or surrender in confusion.
  • Head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry Oleksiy Reznikov addressed Russian officers . He urged them to save Russia from tragedy and their army from humiliation.
  • Meanwhile, the newly-selected “chmobiks” seem to understand what the future holds for them if they fight in Ukraine. That is why they massively call the Ukrainian “hot line” “I want to live” to find out how to surrender. Ukraine has already received more than 2 thousand such calls.
  • The Russian invaders themselves do not understand what they are fighting for in Ukraine, so it costs nothing for them to sell their military equipment. Thus, the occupiers receive funds to start life from scratch.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin does not really like that his military surrenders to the Armed Forces of Ukraine to save their lives. Therefore, he decided to punish them for “voluntary surrender”. For violation, the Russians face from 3 to 10 years in prison.

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