Home » Wash out billions, – State Bureau of Investigation on budget losses from scams at customs

Wash out billions, – State Bureau of Investigation on budget losses from scams at customs

by alex

The SBU and the SBI continue to take measures to counter abuses at customs. Every month, transactions at customs wash out up to ten billion hryvnias from the state budget.

This was announced by the director of the State Bureau of Investigation Alexei Sukhachev. Recall that on February 1, three high-ranking customs officials were fired, who fulfilled the plan in 2022 by only 60%.

Budget losses from transactions at customs

According to Sukhachev, the purpose of customs checks is to fill the state budget of Ukraine. The main task is to restore the legal system. This is not a private structure, but a financial lever for filling the state budget.

So, it is said about the entire vertical of the State Customs Service – from management to a simple inspector. Sukhachev stressed that everyone involved in the abuse should understand this.

Previously, monthly transactions at customs wash out up to ten billion hryvnias from the state budget.

These are big funds that should be used to pay pensions, implement social projects or help the army. This is a third of what the institution should collect during the month, that is, every third hryvnia in customs fees went into the pockets of corrupt officials. These funds must be returned from the shadow sector to the budget. Law enforcement agencies are working on the implementation of this task today,” the director of the State Bureau of Investigation emphasized.

Important! According to information released by the SBU, the state received hundreds of millions of hryvnia less. Because of these machinations, customs officials were fired.

Large-scale customs searches: what is known

  • The relevant authorities identified about 50 business entities that helped customs officers implement shadow schemes. Currently, their activities are blocked.
  • Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation exposed the head of the tax service of Kyiv on multimillion-dollar transactions. Thus, Oksana Datiy abused her power and official position and for money she made a decision on non-compliance with the riskiness criteria of taxpayers for a number of enterprises.
  • In addition, Oleg Shakhrai was deprived of his powers as the head of the Lviv customs. The order for his appointment to this post has expired. The scammer has been in charge of customs for the last six months. However, on February 17 he lost his powers.

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