Home » Was found to increase the risk of death from coronavirus factor

Was found to increase the risk of death from coronavirus factor

by alex

Overweight influenced the increased mortality among patients with coronavirus. A study of American physicians was published in the scientific journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

Experts analyzed medical cards 2466 patients at new York hospitals during the outbreak COVID-19 in the metropolis. The average length of stay in the hospital about seven days 533 patients, or 22 percent, was intubated, that is, their relation was performed to ensure patency of the airway. After a one-week period, 59 patients, or two percent, remained in hospitals, 627 patients, or 25 percent, died.

In the end, scientists found a link between body mass index (BMI) and increased mortality. At risk made obese patients younger than 65 years. It was found that underweight is also a risk factor, and high BMI in patients over 65 years of age has virtually no effect on mortality.

Examining the relationship between obesity and increased risk of death from coronavirus, experts have made several conclusions. First, an excessive proportion of adipose tissue leads to immune activation of the body and increased inflammation of the infected organs. Secondly, patients with obesity are more common comorbidities like diabetes and hypertension, which can provoke the emergence of heart failure.

Thirdly, excessive adipose tissue is associated with increased risk of thrombosis of small vessels. Fourthly, the fat deposits can interfere with the procedure of intubation.

The body mass index — a value that indirectly allows to assess the degree of conformity of weight of the human body and its growth. To calculate the BMI, divide the weight in kilograms on metric height in meters squared.

Earlier the UK Department of health stated that obesity significantly increases the risk of hospitalization and death in patients with coronavirus. In response, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged citizens to lose weight to improve their health and increase the chances of the opposition COVID-19.

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