Home » Warped Mirror Policy: What's Missing in China's “Peace Initiatives”

Warped Mirror Policy: What's Missing in China's “Peace Initiatives”

by alex

The “peace plan” that China proposed to end the war between Russia and Ukraine is not a plan, but a position regarding the war. These points are not real steps, but reflect China's vision of the world around.

Political scientist Taras Semenyuk told Channel 24 about this. According to him, China wants to become an “icon” of the authoritarian world as opposed to US leadership in the democratic part of the planet.

China has shown its position

Taras Semenyuk believes that China's “peace plan” is a position and a clear demonstration of how China sees the world around it. If Beijing really wanted to end the war, then they would have named clear steps to follow in order to end the war.

This policy is the policy of distorted mirrors. It seems to me that China can do more than just give some general concepts of what is happening around the world. the political scientist said.

Also in this position there is no clear definition of who is the aggressor and who is the victim.

Without a clear position, not only China

“This is a fundamental thing that is lacking in today's international community. Some key countries. I'm not only talking about China, I'm talking about India, the Vatican, the Pope, who also does not have a clear position,” Semenyuk said.

He also added that the social doctrine of the Catholic Church clearly states that in the event of an attack on any country, it must defend itself with weapons in hand.

China wants to dominate the authoritarian part of the world: watch the video

The political scientist is convinced that China is a country that has positioned itself as a hegemon, but now it is slipping into an abstract position on the issue of determining the initiator of the war.

“China could clearly determine that Russia is an aggressor and it entailed a war and a violation of the entire world order, and not push it to NATO and say that the victim is to blame for being raped,” Semenyuk said.

How did the world react to China's plan?

  • NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed that China did not enjoy much credibility because it could not condemn the illegal invasion of Ukraine, and also signed an agreement between President Xi and Putin on a borderless partnership with Russia a few days before the invasion.
  • But in Russia, the proposals of the PRC were supported. The local Foreign Ministry said that Russia shares the views of Beijing and “is open to achieving the goals of the NMD by political and diplomatic means.”
  • US President Joe Biden rejected China's proposed “peace plan”. He believes that its implementation will only benefit Russia.

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