Home » Wanted to fight against Russia: Belarusian border guard under fire crossed the border in Volyn

Wanted to fight against Russia: Belarusian border guard under fire crossed the border in Volyn

by alex

Belarusian illegally crossed the border because he wants to fight against Russia/Channel 24 Collage

a Belarusian border guard illegally, under shelling, crossed the border from Volyn – he was detained. It turned out that the man violated the border to join the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the war against the Russian invaders.

Belarusian border guard wanted to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine

A border patrol of one of the divisions in Volyn detained a man without documents. A check is being carried out, after which a decision will be made on his future fate.

The detainee said that he was a Belarusian border guard from the Brest border group, but fled to join the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the war against Russia, the State Tax Service said.

According to the man, his associates went with him, but on the way to the border they were discovered and pursued with shooting, so only he could cross the state border.

The check continues

The information voiced by the detainee is being checked, after which a decision will be made on his further fate.

The main thing about the detention of a fugitive border guard

  • The incident took place on June 29, but this became known after the publication of the court decision.
  • An officer of the material support of the Brest border group crossed the border outside the checkpoint in the Volyn region in the direction of Dubok (Belarus) – Khripsk (Ukraine).
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  • A patrol of Ukrainian border guards detained him and drew up an act on violation of part 1 of article 204-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine.
  • The court appointed the Belarusian border guard two days of arrest from June 29. He also had to pay a court fee of 496 hryvnias. Probably, the violator has already been released, and he returned to Belarus. For what purpose he crossed the border is still unknown.

At the same time, the State Border Committee of Belarus claims that there were no incidents involving border guards , they say, not a single Belarusian the border guard did not cross the border with Ukraine.

By the way, a similar incident occurred recently. A Belarusian soldier escaped from the unit and went to the Lithuanian border.

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