Home » Very tired, but can talk: the President of Slovakia spoke about his visit to Fico in the hospital

Very tired, but can talk: the President of Slovakia spoke about his visit to Fico in the hospital

by alex

Pellegrini told what condition Fico was in after the assassination attempt/Collage 24 Channel, photo Getty Images

Robert Fico, who was wounded during the assassination attempt on May 15, is still in the hospital. Peter Pellegrini says that the prime minister's condition is serious.

Peter Pellegrini is the newly elected president of Slovakia, he has not yet taken office. Together with the current president of the country, Zuzana Caputova, he turned to the Slovaks to “calm the situation.” Subsequently, the leaders of parliamentary political parties will gather in the presidential palace.

What Pellegrini and Fico talked about

Their conversation was quite short, because the Prime Minister was very weak and was under the influence of drugs. Still, the politicians exchanged a few words.

This was a very personal debate. We've known each other for over twenty years, so it's understandable. He was very tired and had a difficult health situation. “We talked about how glad I am that he survived, and that I wish him a speedy recovery,” said the President of Slovakia.

In what condition is Fico after the assassination attempt

Pellegrini emphasized: it is too early to say that the threat to Fico’s life has completely passed. He thanked the doctors, but explained that the prime minister was in serious condition.

Fico miraculously escaped death, although he was very close to her. Pellegrini said that if the gunshot wounds had been a few centimeters to the side, “today we would have to talk about other things.”

Slovakia calls for unity

The newly elected president called on citizens for cooperation and understanding. Now society is outraged, so they fear an escalation of tension.

“Let's please stop this now, immediately, so that we do not witness such tragic events,” Pellegrini urged.

According to him, the attempted murder of Fico crossed the red line. The country is raging with hatred and political discord. Therefore, it is very important to abandon possible further acts of violence.

“So that we do not expose ourselves to escalation. So that there is no clash of political camps. We need calm and calm passions and begin to unite the divided Slovakia,” concluded Pellegrini.

Interestingly, the Slovak police also called on “to refrain from any hateful and threatening comments and messages, as well as any speech that incites violence and hatred.”

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