Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro challenged Elon Musk “to a fight”, he agreed Margarita Voloshina Maduro challenged Mask to a fight/Collage 24 Channel The notorious American entrepreneur Elon Musk has agreed to the proposal of the self-proclaimed President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro to hold a “fight”. Shortly before this, Musk supported the opposition, which denied Maduro's victory in the elections. Due to the opposition's support, Maduro declared the American businessman his “new sworn enemy”. During a press conference, he began to claim that Elon Musk “wants to come with his missiles and army to break into Venezuela”. At the same time, Maduro noted that he was ready to confront Musk and was not afraid of him. In the presidential elections in Venezuela, Maduro won with 51.2% of the vote, and his competitor Edmundo Gonzalez received 44.2%. However, an exit poll conducted by Edison Research showed that Gonzalez won with a 30% margin. The Peruvian Foreign Minister spoke of “fraudulent intentions” that, according to him, exist in the Venezuelan government. Elon Musk was also among those who questioned the final results and called Maduro a fraud. The opposition began protests. Speaking to his supporters, Maduro blamed, in particular, the US government and Elon Musk, whom he challenged to a duel. I accept (the challenge is Channel 24), the billionaire said on social media X. If he wins, the American businessman demands Maduro's resignation as President of Venezuela. At the same time, the businessman expressed doubt that the fight would take place, since Maduro, in his opinion, would get scared and refuse the fight. It is interesting that Elon Musk recently spoke about a fight with Mark Zuckerberg “anywhere, anytime, under any rules”, which never took place.Musk agreed to fight Maduro
Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro challenges Elon Musk to a fight, he agrees