USA to offer Belarus a deal: whether Lukashenko will be independent of Putin Alexander Sadovaya < Source _ngContent-SC173 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Image/Webp "srcset = " ;AMP ;W=7688& ;H=432& ;FIT=COVER& ;AMP ;UutPUTPUT= webp&q=70">
< h2 class = "News-Subtitle Cke-Markup" > for Lukashenko “red lines” crossed < 60 ~ /h2 >< p > Ivan Varchenko believes that back in 2020 it was possible to try to financially, economically bribe Lukashenko. Then he could still succumb. However, now the self-proclaimed president of Belarus is an absolute puppet of Russia.
60 ~ p class = “Bloquote Cke-Markup” > he understands that as soon as he breaks away from Putin, he signs his sentence. Therefore, I am absolutely sure that Lukashenko with nostalgia in the old days I heard these proposals. But today he has “red lines” crossed. Even if he has a desire, he will not be able to tear himself away from Putin in this way, ”he said.
60 > Lukashenko sold Belarus in Russia and tries to make it an accomplice of Russian crimes. Thus, the Belarusian dictator itself became completely dependent on Putin.
~ 60 > “this is not about the unfortunate Lukashenko, who is suppressed by the tyrant Putin. This is a question about Lukashenko’s own choice, who at one time exchanged His well -being for the prospects of Belarus, ”added an expert on national security.