Home » US withdrawal from NATO: Stoltenberg explained why this will not happen

US withdrawal from NATO: Stoltenberg explained why this will not happen

by alex

Stoltenberg explained why the United States will not leave NATO in the near future/Channel 24 Collage (photo by Getty Images and from open sources)

Jens Stoltenberg made a forecast regarding the United States in NATO. The Secretary General of the Alliance believes that the country will not cease its participation in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Statements about the possible withdrawal of the United States from NATO were made by a candidate for US Presidents Donald Trump. This is the step he wants to take if he wins the elections.

Stoltenberg explained why he does not think that the United States will leave NATO

NATO Secretary General, commenting on Trump’s statements about a likely revision of the US role in the Alliance, noted that the United States must maintain its role in the organization.

“I expect the United States to remain a strong component,” Stoltenberg said.

Moreover, he assured that there are three key reasons for his confidence. In particular, maintaining the US role in NATO is in the country's national security interests. This is also influenced by the strong bipartisan support for the Alliance in Congress.

In addition, Stoltenberg noted that Trump’s criticism is not addressed to NATO itself, but to the European members of the Alliance.

At the same time, the NATO Secretary General refrained from criticizing Trump. Prior to this, critical statements from Stoltenberg about Trump were heard several times over the past days.

Trump is thinking of withdrawing the US from NATO

  • Former US national security adviser in the Donald Trump administration John Bolton said that the ex-president of the United States, if re-elected, could actually withdraw the country from NATO. Bolton also called the opinions of those who consider Trump's intention to be frivolous a “misconception.” during his previous tenure. However, he was then rejected from this idea.
  • Donald Trump has previously said that he would encourage Russia to attack NATO allies that do not adhere to their financial obligations under the Alliance. We are talking about allocating 2% of GDP in favor of the Alliance.
  • In turn, the White House and NATO criticized Trump’s statements. The Biden administration said that in this way the ex-president undermines the national security of the United States, and the EU said that such rash statements serve Putin’s interests.

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