Home » US will transfer longer-range weapons to Ukraine – Nuland

US will transfer longer-range weapons to Ukraine – Nuland

by alex

Nuland announced the strengthening of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with new weapons from the United States/Photo OP

This summer, Ukraine will be able to use new long-range weapons at the front. The task of the United States and Western allies is to prepare Kyiv for negotiations from a position of strength in its own interests.

This was stated by former US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.

United States Military Support

According to Nuland, The United States has provided Kyiv with a lot of military and economic support over the past 3 years.

In particular, as the politician noted, special funds were created for the reconstruction of critical infrastructure, energy support for the country and humanitarian assistance.

Our special representative (on issues of economic recovery of Ukraine Penny Pritzker – ed.) is working on the revival of Ukrainian cities – so that people can return home, so that exports can revive again, – said Nuland.

However, according to According to her, while the United States, together with its European and Asian allies, is giving Ukraine more and more funds, “Putin is creating more and more losses.”

According to some estimates, a thousand Russian men a day are now dying at the front just to advance a couple of kilometers and take several villages. So yes, Ukraine’s needs are growing, but I think we will continue to help it – in particular, with new and longer-range weapons, which you will see in action at the front this summer,” Nuland said.

What she noted regarding peace negotiations

The former US Deputy Secretary of State also emphasized that “whether to move to discuss peace in general and when to move on is Ukraine’s decision.”

Now Putin’s approach to negotiations looks like this: “What’s mine is mine, “We’ll discuss what’s yours.” Therefore, the goal of the American strategy now is to prepare Kyiv militarily, economically and politically so that it can begin to negotiate from a position of strength. So that Putin and his military leaders understand that this is a losing war for them – and it’s time to come to an agreement. In her own interests, the politician emphasized.

At the same time, according to her, today Kyiv is not strong enough for negotiations.

“We would like Putin to leave every square kilometer of Ukrainian land. But for now—until Ukraine is strong enough—we don't know what's possible in that regard,” Nuland said.

F-16 from Denmark: when to expect delivery

  • On the evening of May 13, it became known about the statements of Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, who spoke out regarding the supply of F-16s. from Denmark will be in the skies over Ukraine within a month. In total, there will be 19.
  • In addition, Frederiksen said: in Europe there are 5 – 6 air defense systems for Ukraine.
  • She noted that they should do more and should continue to support Ukraine.

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