Home » US wants to reform UN Security Council because of Russian aggression

US wants to reform UN Security Council because of Russian aggression

by alex

The UN Security Council is subject to certain changes. The innovations were proposed by representatives of the United States, and they are connected with the aggression of Russia.

Relevant information was received from the US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield during a briefing. She noted that official Washington supports the introduction of reforms of the UN Security Council. First, they talk about the expansion of geography, as well as the ability to use the right of veto.

Russia struck at the UN

Russia violated national sovereignty and territorial integrity, violated human rights and unleashed open war instead of negotiating peace. A permanent member of the UN Security Council has dealt a blow to the very foundation of the UN Charter,” Thomas-Greenfield stressed.

She also noted that Russia's attack on Ukraine is “an attempt to rule in its purest form.” Moreover, in her opinion, this is a real test for those fundamental principles that were created at the UN.

In the light of the events taking place in Ukraine, she announced the position of the United States. In a country that actively supports us in confronting Russia, they will adhere to the “six principles of responsible behavior of members of the UN Security Council.” We are talking about more active interaction with other member countries of the organization and its institutions. In addition, we are talking about refusal to use the veto. This right can be used only in extreme cases.

The right to veto in the Security Council should be changed

“We will intensify efforts to reform the Security Council. This includes changing the rules for vetoing, according to which the permanent members will explain them to the General Assembly,” she stressed.

Thomas-Greenfield added that in The Security Council should improve the transmission of global reality. Last but not least, geographical representation should be taken into account. As she noted, flexibility will be needed to reach compromises.

Consultations are currently scheduled. They will be attended by Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken. They will discuss “critical issues about the reform of the Security Council and other UN bodies”.

We add that back in April 2022, Russia's membership in the UN Human Rights Council was terminated. At the same time, it should be remembered that the aggressor country still reserves the right of veto in the UN Security Council. And this despite the fact that Ukraine regularly reminds that Russia should either be deprived of the right to veto, or be excluded altogether.

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