Home » US House of Representatives could vote on aid to Ukraine in March or April – CNN

US House of Representatives could vote on aid to Ukraine in March or April – CNN

by alex

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson allows the creation of a new bill providing support for Ukraine, which will be developed in his chamber of parliament. However, it may be put to a vote at the end of March or in April of this year.

CNN writes about this, citing Republican congressmen who met with Johnson privately.

When the US will provide aid to Ukraine

According to the publication, during the meeting, Johnson and Republicans, who are supporters of Ukraine, discussed a new bipartisan foreign aid package, including restrictions on the US border with Mexico and assistance to Ukraine.

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— Now House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul is taking the lead in trying to finalize the proposal and reach conference consensus for a decision on the matter in late March or April, — writes CNN.

However, Johnson has not yet taken a position on the new aid package or committed to holding a vote on it, telling his colleagues that they first need to finalize legislation to finance the government. But, CNN writes, “once that process is completed by mid-March”, Republican supporters of the plan believe it will allow him to bring it to the floor — even if this risks a backlash from the far-right members of the Republican Party or even a vote to remove him from the post of Speaker.

Why the US cannot accept help for Ukraine

Still, getting the bill through the House of Representatives may be a challenge.

Republicans are deeply divided over Ukraine, and former President Donald Trump could effectively kill the bill with a single social media post. In addition, the bill would need Democratic support to pass, a challenge given that the package includes new border restrictions and aid to Israel that are likely to antagonize the Democratic Party.

At the same time, supporters of such a bill argue that action needs to be taken immediately, since Russia has made progress in Ukraine.

According to the network, Fitzpatrick plans to begin the process this week to bypass management and force a vote — in the Capitol, this is called a petition to vacate office, which will require the support of a majority of House members to succeed. But even the organizers of this attempt admit that it is a long-term effort and see it as a last resort. Their best option — persuade Johnson to table the bill when it is ready for passage.

— I think the Speaker wants to go through the normal appropriations process first, which is not that easy. And then, when this is done, we will deal with additional appropriations. We are currently working on a project. I think you will see the seal of the House of Representatives on this addition, — McCall said.

McCall, who briefed Republicans in the Speaker's office last week about the upcoming plan, told CNN that Johnson was “very measured”.

Other supporters of the measure say Johnson was clearly open to their plan.

— No, I don't think he's trying it (Bill, — Ed.) kill. I think he understands the need to support Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, — said Representative Mike Lawler, a freshman Republican from New York who joined the initiative.

Pressure on Johnson

House Speaker Johnson faced pressure from all sides.

On the one hand, he is criticized internationally and by Democrats, who argue that his failure to act immediately amounts to complicity with Vladimir Putin. Senate Party Leader Mitch McConnell is insisting he will allow a House vote on the Senate's proposed $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, warning that any House changes to the plan would only delay action and will make it more difficult for Ukraine to defeat Russia.

However, far-right Republicans are persistently warning Johnson not to approve a penny of additional funds for Ukraine.

Reporter Bob Good of Virginia, leader of the House Freedom Caucus and one of the eight Republicans who voted to remove Kevin McCarthy as speaker last fall, would not say whether aid to Ukraine would cost Johnson his job. But he said any aid package should be offset by spending cuts and should not be tied to Israel — this differs significantly from the approach taken by Fitzpatrick and McCall.

Ukrainian supporters make their move

The foreign aid plan being developed by a bipartisan group of members would provide $66 billion in military aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, excluding humanitarian aid, which was part of the Senate package and a priority of many Democrats.

Additionally, it would ban illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. until operational control of the border is achieved, sending migrants to Mexico or their country of origin while they await their claims to be adjudicated in the U.S. &# 8212; policy known as “Remain in Mexico”.

McCall told CNN that the group is considering other changes to the bill, including seizing frozen Russian assets in the United States and transferring them to Ukraine. He also said group members were considering turning some of the aid into an American loan — idea put forward by Trump.

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