Home » Until October 1: potbelly stoves should appear in Lviv high-rise buildings

Until October 1: potbelly stoves should appear in Lviv high-rise buildings

by alex

Andriy Sadovyy said that as of August 25, Lviv is actually 100% ready for the 2022-2023 heating season. At the same time, due to Russian aggression, different situations must be taken into account.

In total, Lviv, which is preparing for winter, has 10,500 heating points in residential buildings. Sadovyi noted that the city takes upon itself the preparation for the winter of local schools, the entire medical system and the social sphere in case of an emergency. h2>

Meanwhile, heating points in residential buildings should be provided by OSMD management companies and others.

Potbelly stoves do not need to be installed in each apartment separately. And only in a shelter so that, if necessary, the residents could warm themselves there. Today (August 25 – Channel 24), the visiting executive committee had the opportunity to inspect the basement, in which a heating stove had already been installed, – Sadovy said.

He said that the installation process took a total of 4 hours.


The mayor of Lvov stressed that stoves in Lvov high-rise buildings should appear before October 1st. If residents notice that this has not happened in their house, they should call the hotline (1580).

Sadovyi added that they need to stock up on firewood. The mayor reminded that stoves should be installed by people with experience.

Sadovy advised how to prepare for the winter

Sadovy noted that Ukrainians are in for a difficult winter. Lvov is already buying potbelly stoves. The mayor stressed that no one canceled firewood and coal. Also worth buying:

  • electric kettle;
  • battery powered lamp
  • dry alcohol (you can heat food).

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