Home » Ukrainians with what diseases are not subject to conscription: a detailed list

Ukrainians with what diseases are not subject to conscription: a detailed list

by alex

During martial law, when general mobilization is taking place, persons with certain diseases cannot be drafted into the army. The list of diseases due to which they will not be accepted into the army in peacetime is much wider than that which prevents service during martial law.

Those liable for military service who are recognized as temporarily unfit for military service for health reasons or completely unfit for exclusion from military registration in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission (VLK) are not subject to mobilization.

vision diseases

Only those who are considered unfit for military service with an exception from military registration:

  • pronounced anatomical changes or defects in the position of the eyelids, orbit, conjunctiva with significant impairment of visual or motor functions in both eyes;
  • pronounced, with a progressive decrease in visual functions or frequent exacerbations in both eyes, diseases of the sclera, cornea (scars and opacities), iris, ciliary body, lens (all types of cataracts), choroid;
  • diseases of the vitreous body and the eyeball;
  • optic neuritis, diseases and lesions of the optic nerve and visual pathways;
  • detachment and rupture of the retina of any etiology in both eyes;
  • all forms of glaucoma in advanced and subsequent stages in both eyes;
  • persistent paralysis of the motor muscles of the eyeball in the presence of diplopia;
  • myopia or hyperopia of any eye in one of the meridians over 12.0 diopters or astigmatism of any kind with a refraction difference in the two main meridians over 6.0 diopters;
  • visual acuity of one eye below 0.1 or its blindness;
  • the absence of the eyeball with visual acuity of the second eye 0.3 and below, or visual acuity of both eyes 0.2 and below.

Hearing diseases

Persons suffering from persistent, complete deafness in both ears or deaf-mutism, with pronounced vestibular-vegetative disorders, accompanied by the onset of symptoms of Meniere's disease, are not subject to mobilization.

Some infectious and parasitic diseases

For example, intestinal infectious diseases, bacterial zoonoses, viral infectious diseases of the central nervous system, viral hemorrhagic fevers, viral infectious diseases with damage to the skin and mucous membranes, helminthiasis, pediculosis and the consequences of infectious and parasitic diseases are contraindications. In wartime, such patients are considered of limited fit.

Mental and behavioral disorders

Patients unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration who have:

  • severe psychiatric disorders,
  • disorders of the psyche and behavior due to the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol or drugs) in the dependence syndrome with sharp, persistent mental disorders,
  • schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders, affective disorders with frequently recurring phases,
  • neurotic disorders with pronounced, persistent painful manifestations,
  • pronounced behavioral disorders, with a tendency to repeated long-term decompensation or pathological reactions,
  • profound and severe mental retardation.

Malignant and benign neoplasms

  • Persons with oncological diseases who have an established incurable diagnosis cannot be drafted into the army.
  • Persons who have a history of cancer or if the disease is in stable remission, as well as in the case of a slowly progressing pathology, are considered limitedly fit in wartime.
  • Conscripts who have benign neoplasms, accompanied by severe disorders in the functioning of the body, cannot be mobilized into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • All those who have undergone surgery or radiation therapy are temporarily unfit during the war for military service.
  • Benign neoplasms of all localizations with significant functional impairments are the basis for unsuitability for military service with exclusion from military registration.

Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

The reason for unfitness for military service with exclusion from military registration may be anemia with significant impairment of rapidly progressing functions of anemia, blood clotting disorders, hemorrhagic conditions, other blood diseases, disorders involving the immune mechanism, etc.

Diseases of the endocrine system

Citizens who have been found to have pathologies of the endocrine system, accompanied by an eating disorder or a metabolic disorder, are considered partially eligible. In this case, it all depends on how the disease itself affects the overall state of health.

Diseases of the nervous system

  • progressive, with significant dysfunction, inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, etc.),
  • progressive, with significant functional impairment (systemic atrophy, cerebral palsy, etc.),
  • epilepsy in the presence of frequent epileptic seizures or severe mental disorders,
  • rapidly progressive, with significant dysfunction of the disease of the peripheral nervous system.

Diseases of the circulatory system

  • with heart failure stage II-B-III in case of non-coronary heart diseases,
  • with heart failure II-B – III stage in case of coronary heart disease,
  • with stage III hypertension,
  • with cerebrovascular diseases (for example, cerebral infarction or stroke) with significant functional impairment,
  • with diseases of the arteries, arterioles and capillaries, veins, lymph nodes (atherosclerosis, thrombosis, varicose veins, etc.) with significant disorders of blood circulation and functions.

Respiratory diseases

Persons suffering from chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, COPD, emphysema and bronchiectasis, pneumoconiosis, chronic pneumonitis, idiopathic fibrous form of alveolitis, pulmonary hemomyosis and aminoiomyamine are exempted from military service.

Diseases of the digestive system

The grounds for exclusion from military registration are:

  • maxillofacial anomalies (except congenital), including malocclusion with significant impairment of respiratory, olfactory, chewing, swallowing and speech functions;
  • diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, appendix, intestines and peritoneum with significant dysfunction;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with significant dysfunction;
  • liver disease with significant dysfunction;
  • all kinds of hernias with significant dysfunction.

Sexually transmitted diseases

In peacetime, persons who have a congenital or acquired form of syphilis are considered unsuitable for military service, but in wartime the possibility of serving such conscripts is determined individually. Those who have gonococcal, trichomonas infection, as well as other STDs are not allowed to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but only until the person has been treated.

HIV patients

If HIV is accompanied by the development of parasitic or infectious diseases, the formation of malignant tumor processes and other specified diseases, then the conscript is exempted from service in peacetime and wartime. And asymptomatic carriers of the immunodeficiency virus are considered limited fit for military service.

Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

The only reason for exclusion from military records may be diffuse neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis) with widespread lichenification of the skin, common pemphigus, dermatitis herpetiformis. Other skin diseases make a person unfit for military service in peacetime or temporarily unfit.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Severe arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid vasculitis, Still's disease, Felty's syndrome, psoriatic or enteropathic arthropathy, rheumatoid bursitis, gout, polyarthritis nodosa, Behcet's disease, crystalline arthropathy, and other pathologies. into military service.

Persons suffering from:

  • severe deformity or defects of fingers, toes,
  • severe form of flat feet,
  • fibroblastic pathologies with impaired motor activity

Do not mobilize people after limb amputation, as well as those with severe diseases of the spine.

Diseases and pathologies of the genitourinary system

Persons with severe nephrotic syndrome, chronic interstitial nephritis, acute pyelitis, pyelonephritis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, chronic primary pyelonephritis, nephropathy, renal failure, hydronephrosis, pionefir cannot be drafted into the army. There are many more diseases in this category, if the disease does not cause serious disturbances in the operation of the system, such a person may be considered partially fit for military service. VLK makes a decision depending on the disease.

Congenital anomalies (malformations), deformities and chromosomal abnormalities, injuries, poisoning, and some other consequences of external causes may serve as grounds for exclusion from military registration if they cause significant functional impairment.

How long will the mobilization in Ukraine last

  • In Ukraine, all citizens fit for military service or in reserve are subject to conscription. The head of the personnel department of the headquarters of the Ground Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Roman Gorbach, said that military personnel with experience and specialists without experience are being called up.
  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not confirm that there are any waves of mobilization in Ukraine, the general mobilization was proclaimed along with martial law and has been ongoing continuously since February 24, 2022. All men liable for military service from 18 to 60 years old who have service experience, important specialties and are fit for health reasons are called up.
  • Since the mobilization was extended in Ukraine until May 20, so it will last until May 20.

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