Home » Ukrainians killed Putin-commander, pseudo-referendums are a military loss – Davydyuk

Ukrainians killed Putin-commander, pseudo-referendums are a military loss – Davydyuk

by alex

The Russian army is defeated on the front in Ukraine. Even the holding of “referendums” in the occupied territories is evidence of Putin's military defeat.

This Channel 24 said political analyst Nikolai Davydyuk. According to him, the Russian Federation no longer belongs to the real leaders in the world.

Russia is no longer a global state

Davidyuk noted that Russia lost all its global opportunities and prospects. Now he is already playing regional games.

Anyone who thinks that Russia is a global state and one of the two strongest states, then this person suffers from phantom pains. Because Russia is no longer in the top 3 and will not even be in the top 5 after the defeat of the war in Ukraine,” the political scientist said.

According to him, now China is taking a second role and there is a struggle over who will have Russia as a backing dancer in the confrontation between the United States of America and Beijing. And Russia has long ceased to be a real leader. If it cannot win against Ukraine, which did not even show regional ambitions.

Davidiuk on “referendums” in the occupied territories and the end of Putin's story: watch the video

“Referendums” are Putin's military defeat

Davidyuk noted that it was the Russians who made us become the strongest army in Europe, as well as be super-Europeans and take our own future into our own hands .

Russia did not pass us. She didn't win. And even the fact that they are now doing these pseudo-referendums, this indicates that there are no military victories. There is an imitation of political fixation of the seizure of territory. This means that a military loss, he noted.

After all, the political scientist emphasized, if someone resorts to political tricks, this means that he lost the military campaign.

All. There is no Putin commander, he died. The Ukrainians killed the commander-Putin,” Davidyuk said.

He drew attention to the fact that Putin constantly threatens to use nuclear weapons. But only the Germans and the French are afraid of him. The British declared their readiness to bomb in response. And US President Joe Biden's team warned that they would sink the Russian fleet.

So if Putin thinks he's intimidating us. No, we cannot be intimidated,” the political scientist stressed.

According to Davidyuk, if after these “referendums” we return all our territories, then Putin’s story will come to an end.

By the way!< /strong>EU High Representative for Foreign Policy Josep Borrell believes the EU should take Putin's threats seriously. We are talking about the use of nuclear weapons in the armed conflict in Ukraine.

The situation at the front: latest news

  • Russian invaders continue to try to completely occupy the Donetsk region and hold on to the previously occupied territories. They fire at the positions of our troops along the line of confrontation, conduct aerial reconnaissance, and try to restore lost positions in certain areas.
  • In the south of Ukraine, the situation remains tense, but under control. Our aircraft worked out 5 strikes against two enemy air defense systems in the Kherson and Kakhov regions, as well as against 3 areas of concentration of weapons and equipment in the Berislav region.
  • Enemy equipment is not just on fire, it effectively explodes after the work of Ukrainian defenders. The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to destroy the enemy not only on land, but also in the air.

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