Home » Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reacted to the negotiations between Turkey and Russia on the export of Ukrainian grain

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reacted to the negotiations between Turkey and Russia on the export of Ukrainian grain

by alex

Export of grain from Ukraine: at what stage of the negotiations/Pixabay

Recently, Russia and Turkey held talks in Moscow on the export of grain from Ukraine. Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko noted that so far no specific agreements on holding quadripartite talks have been reached.

Commenting on the prospects for quadripartite talks in Istanbul on the export of Ukrainian grain, he noted that “Ukraine welcomes the efforts of the UN Secretary-General” to resolve the issue of export of grain from Ukrainian seaports blocked by Russia.

He noted that expert consultations are currently ongoing between the interested parties, but the parties did not come to specific agreements on holding negotiations in which Ukraine will be involved.

The Foreign Ministry stressed that the security issue is a fundamental element of the Ukrainian position.

Currently, expert consultations between the parties concerned are ongoing. Specific agreements on holding quadripartite talks with the participation of Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the UN have not yet been reached. Security issues remain a fundamental element of the Ukrainian position, Nikolenko said.

What is known about the negotiations between Turkey and Russia

On June 22, delegations from Russia and Turkey gathered to discuss the issue of Ukrainian grain exports. The parties allegedly agreed to continue consultations on the safe departure of ships from Ukrainian ports. At the same time, Moscow denies responsibility for the food crisis and blames the lack of sanctions from the West and Ukraine. Currently, Ukraine is not participating in these negotiations.

Latest news on Ukrainian grain

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  • Russian infidels are blocking not only merchant ships in the Black Sea. Currently, 39 civilian ships cannot leave the ports of Odessa region.
  • UN Representative, Director of the UN World Food Program David Beasley, stressed that the world is threatened by hell on earth due to famine, if the war is not ended, because Ukraine is one of the leading suppliers of wheat in the world.
  • Russia sells grain that it steals from Ukraine and exports from the temporarily occupied southern regions to the occupied Crimea. The Russian military shamelessly steal other agricultural products in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Now they have moved on to sunflower seeds.

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