Home » Ukraine's victories terribly frightened France and Germany – Piontkovsky

Ukraine's victories terribly frightened France and Germany – Piontkovsky

by alex

France and Germany were afraid of Ukraine's victories/Eliot Blondet

Ukraine almost 3 months successfully restrains the invasion of the Russian occupying army. Recently, European and American politicians have begun to spread strange theses that our state should make territorial concessions and “save Putin's face.”

Russian opposition publicist Andrey Piontkovsky told, according to Channel 24, why this happened. According to the political scientist, French President Emmanuel Macron set the tone for all these statements. It was he who emphasized that Russia should not be humiliated, because it would need to be taken out of isolation.

Ukraine's victories frightened Germany and France

Piontkovsky said, that Macron's statement about “saving Putin's face” was picked up by dozens of politicians and publicists on both sides of the ocean. For example:

  • In addition to European politicians, the well-known American diplomat Henry Kissinger said that Ukraine should allegedly cede its sovereignty in exchange for an end to the war.
  • At the same time, The New York Times editorial said that our state cannot win in this war simply because Russia cannot lose.

According to the publicist, the wave of these strange statements is a reaction to the triumphant victories of Ukraine.

The victory of Ukraine terribly frightened France and Germany. This is not a fear of Putin's nuclear strike, no one is afraid of this anymore. It is the fear of losing one's privileged positions in today's international system,” Piontkovsky said.

According to him, after each world war (and the Russian-Ukrainian war is a world war), the victorious states build a new system.

“In our case it will be the United States, Great Britain and Ukraine. And France and Germany lose their very comfortable placein this system, which they occupy not ten, but already 70 years,” the publicist explained.

France cannot accept the loss of its greatness

Piontkovsky noted that Macron did not accidentally do such a loud statement.After losing the Second World War, France lost its role as a world power.

“A brilliant long-term operation was carried out by Stalin, appointing them (the French – Channel 24) as the winners of the Second World War. And it was an excellent political recruitment of the French elite, starting with Charles de Gaulle. He recruited the entire French political elite, and they gladly took the place of an intermediary between The West and the Kremlin,” the oppositionist added.

But having lost the role of a world state, France has not lost its ambitions. According to Piontkovsky, having no greatness, the country was forced to prove something.

“Therefore, all French presidents constantly repeated “grande la France”, and this greatness consisted in putting a pig on the United States in any conflict and currying favor with Russia,” the publicist noted.

The interests of European countries lie on the surface

Piontkovsky spoke not only about the French. For example, the Germans, he said, were more pragmatic. “Greatness” they put an end to, because they had enough in the days of Adolf Hitler.

“They have a more economic interest. And in Soviet times with Eastern politics, they had economic privileges – as a special partner of the Soviet Union. < strong>And in post-Soviet times, it has already resulted in the open corruption of the German top political elite“, the publicist noted.

He added that France and Germany speculated and felt very comfortable serving the Kremlin.


“The French president, like a trained dog, had a special role. When Putin attacked Georgia and seized (or, as he said, returned) Abkhazia and South Ossetia, this had to be somehow legitimized and fixed. Sarkozy came running with a piece of paper of peace And so we signed some kind of agreement. Since then, 2 “independent” states have appeared,” Piontkovsky said.

According to him, in 2014-2015, he “ran” to Kyiv with the same papers the other president is François Hollande.

And now Macron wants to get such laurels with this “Italian plan,” the oppositionist emphasized.

Note that this plan says that the territories temporarily occupied by the occupiers are fixed. After that, Ukraine and Russia should start bilateral negotiations on the disputed territories.

Kissinger hammered the last nail in the coffin of the “Italian plan”

In the context, the United States could not be ignored. Piontkovsky noted that both Europeans and Americans understand that Russian President Vladimir Putin has already suffered a huge strategic defeat. After all, the occupying forces are committing real atrocities in Ukraine. One has only to remember Bucha, Mariupol and the abuse of civilians in the temporarily occupied territories.

But by providing Ukraine with 100 HIMARS rocket artillery systems, the situation on the battlefield can be changed. This delay in supplying the necessary weapons costs our state hundreds of civilian and military lives every day. And world leaders understand that they can do away with Putin once and for all only by providing the Armed Forces with enough MLRS.

The political scientist recalled that Kissinger gave an “amazing interview” a few days ago, in which he justified himself for his words at the Davos forum about territorial concessions to Ukraine. Then, according to Piontkovsky, he looked like a real admirer of the “Italian plan”.

In an interview, the American diplomat noted that negotiations between Ukraine and Russia could begin only after the retreat of the invaders to positions as of February 23. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the same thing earlier.

And this is the last nail in the coffin of the Italian-French-German plan, because they demanded to start negotiations now, fix the current line of separation of the parties, – Piontkovsky stressed.

The world is afraid of the unpredictable consequences of Putin's defeat

Kissinger also stated that “Russia has already suffered a historic strategic defeat by failing to achieve the goals it set itself“. The aggressor country was not able to defeat the smaller and weaker Ukraine, as it did with other states before.

“All these delays (with the provision of MLRS – Channel 24) are not due to fears of Putin's strength, but because of the awareness of its weakness and the possibility of unpredictable strategic consequences of its demonstrative final defeat,” Piontkovsky said.

The publicist summed up: in order for Ukraine to defeat the occupiers, it needs to provide not even 40, but 100 HIMARS . After all, now there is an artillery war, and our state is gradually running out of shells for the Soviet MLRS. At the same time, Russia has enough of them.

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