Home » Ukraine will expand the border with Russia and Belarus: what they say in the State Border Guard Service

Ukraine will expand the border with Russia and Belarus: what they say in the State Border Guard Service

by alex

Ukraine will expand and mine the border with Russia and Belarus. In particular, they will define a special territory that will reach 2 kilometers.

Andrey Demchenko, the speaker of the State Border Service, spoke about this on the air of the telethon, Channel 24 reports.

Recall that the Verkhovna Rada voted for the draft law 7475 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Protection of the State Border.” He was supported by 310 people's deputies.

  • The changes involve the establishment of a special controlled regime in the border areas.
  • Also – the definition of a special territory for 2 kilometers along the Ukrainian-Russian and Ukrainian-Belarusian border. She should be mined.
  • The initiative regulates the activities of the defense forces at the border. This applies to both military and peacetime.
  • In addition, innovations apply to other measures. In particular, in relation to foreigners trying to illegally cross the border.

What does a “special strip” of territories mean?

Demchenko explained about the special strip of territory. On the border with other neighbors, this strip can reach 30-50 meters, and on the border with Russia and Belarus – up to 2 kilometers.

Land plots on this territory are transferred to the ownership of the military units of the border service. Defenders will equip them to secure territories from possible enemy attacks.

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