Home ยป Ukraine plans to fulfill EU requirements by the end of 2022 – Stefanyshina

Ukraine plans to fulfill EU requirements by the end of 2022 – Stefanyshina

by alex

Stefanishina spoke about EU requirements for Ukraine/Channel 24 Collage

In case of obtaining the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union, Ukraine will receive a number of requirements. Our state plans to fulfill them by the end of 2022.

Olga Stefanishyna, Vice Prime Minister for European Integration of Ukraine, announced this during a briefing. The official noted that the reforms demanded by the EU are primarily beneficial for our state.

Demands are impossible for Ukraine

Olga Stefanyshina noted that those 7 points of reforms that Ukraine must implement in order to maintain its candidate status are not those that cannot be implemented. The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that many processes have already been launched, so the authorities will do everything possible to speed them up.

The 7 points identified by the European Commission are not absolutely difficult or unfulfilled for Ukraine . Each of them serves the interests of Ukraine, and today we will concentrate on implementing them,โ€ Stefanyshina stressed.

The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that all processes will be accelerated, so Ukraine plans to meet all EU requirements by the end of 2022.

At the end of 2022, the European Commission will prepare an opinion on Ukraine's compliance with all requirements. Stefanyshina stressed that the fulfillment of all points is in our interest, as Ukraine seeks to start negotiations on full membership in the European Union.

Olga Stefanishyna called the statement that if the conditions are not met by the end of the year, Ukraine will lose the status of a candidate is perverted. According to her, it is impossible now to make such statements, since the decision of Ukraine to become part of the EU has a huge will of the Ukrainian people.

What are the requirements?

The European Commission prescribed 7 points of reforms that need implement in order to successfully move to the next stage in the procedure for gaining the status of a member of the European Union. In particular, we are talking about:

  • the reform of the Constitutional Court;
  • the continuation of the judicial reform;
  • the fight against corruption, including the appointment of the head of the SAP;
  • the fight against money laundering;
  • the embodiment of the anti-oligarchic law;
  • the harmonization of audiovisual legislation with the European one;
  • the change in legislation on national minorities.

The last paragraph was written to calm Hungary and it says that Ukraine promised to adopt a framework law on national minorities a few years ago. At the same time, Brussels assures that Hungary will not require the approval of such a version of the law that would be unfavorable for Ukraine.

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