Home » Ukraine identified 9 Russians who committed atrocities in the Chernihiv region

Ukraine identified 9 Russians who committed atrocities in the Chernihiv region

by alex

Law enforcement officers identified another portion of Russian criminals/Collage 24 channels

the occupier who committed crimes against Ukrainians will be held accountable for what he did if he manages to survive. Ukraine learns about every Russian who killed civilians and mocked civilians.

Ukrainian law enforcers continue to work actively to identify every Russian occupier who committed crimes against peaceful Ukrainians. None of them will be able to remain in obscurity and escape punishment.

Identification of 9 more Russian criminals

According to Irina Venediktova, law enforcement officers managed to establish the names of 9 Russian soldiers who set up a “cellar of death” in Yagodnoye, Chernihiv region.

In March, established Russian infidels drove people out of their shelters in the cold and ordered them to undress. The Russians were looking for patriotic tattoos and military underwear. Also at this time, the Russians looted the houses of the peasants.

In addition, they took people's mobile phones and checked the numbers. For finding hidden contacts, they promised to shoot every 5th man.

Then they herded 300 people into the cramped basement of a village school. The youngest captive was 1.5 months old, the oldest – 93 years old, in total there were 77 children in the basement.

Due to suffocation, crowding, lack of food and water, unsanitary conditions, they died 10 civilians. Another 17 people were killed by infidels in the village.

They also introduced a ban on the burial of less than 5 people, for its violation they opened fire on civilians. The Russians kept a register of deaths right on the basement wall.

Law enforcement officers have already managed to identify 9 Russian infidels who violated all possible laws and customs of war:

  • Siin-ool Suvan – commander of department 1 mortar platoon of the mortar battery HF 55115.
  • Aigarim Mongush – private 3rd mortar platoon of the 2nd mortar battery HF, 55115.
  • Mongush – sergeant of the 2nd mortar platoon 2nd mortar battery, HF 55115.
  • Eresu Oorzhak – corporal of the 3rd mortar platoon of the 2nd mortar battery, HF 55115.
  • Arian Hertek – private of the 2nd mortar platoon of the 2nd mortar battery, HF 55115.
  • Sayan Khomushko, private, 2nd mortar platoon, 2nd mortar battery, VCh 55115.
  • Ivan Oorzhak, soldier, 3rd mortar platoon, mortar battery, 2nd Mechanized Brigade, VCh 55115.
  • < li>Chayan Chinan – serviceman of the 2nd mortar platoon of the mortar battery of the 2nd mechanized brigade, HF 55115.

  • Kezhik-ool Shaktar-ool – serviceman of the 1st mortar platoon of the mortar battery of the 2nd mechanized brigade, HF 55115.

The war of Russia against Ukraine: latest news

  • Russian infidels began to fight among themselves for property stolen from peaceful Ukrainians. It became known that in the Kherson region a gang of Ingush killed Kadyrovites.
  • The Russians came up with the idea that they could “cancel” the independence of Lithuania. The relevant law has already been submitted to the State Duma.

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