Home » Ukraine has no option to surrender without the option of destruction

Ukraine has no option to surrender without the option of destruction

by alex

Ukraine will only be satisfied with victory/Office of the President of Ukraine

Remember what Muscovy did with Novgorod? The Kremlin unleashed a war, destroyed the Novgorod Republic, seized the veche bell and appointed an occupation administration. Do you know why? Because the Tsar of Moscow had absolute power, and the Prince of Novgorod was limited by the opinion of the townspeople.

Historical parallels

Ivan III replied to the attempt of the Novgorodians to agree: “Know that in Novgorod will not have either a veche bell or a posadnik, but there will be only sovereign power, as in the country of Moscow.”

These words contain the quintessence of Muscovite fears from the moment of birth. They themselves are afraid of freedom and do not give others.

There have never been free competitive elections in Russia. Elected political elites and electoral skills of voters have not been formed. And attempts at elections without skills and without an elite ended with the collapse of the country, revolutions, wars, the shooting of parliament and other cataclysms.


Now the Kremlin is at war with all post-Soviet countries in which power is replaced by elections. It is waging a hybrid war with the Baltic countries, threatening to turn into a hot one, up to nuclear strikes.

The Kremlin created controlled armed conflicts on the borders of Georgia, Moldova, Armenia and Ukraine.

It worked out with Georgia, Moldova and Armenia – now they are sitting and are silent. And in Ukraine, either the stars were formed differently, or “a grenade of the wrong system.”

Ukrainian failure of Russia

Kuchma was helped to get elected – he wrote “Ukraine is not Russia” and refused to change the Constitution and become a dictator. They imposed Yanukovych – they got the Maidan.

They hired Manafort, made Yanukovych president – they got the second Maidan. They unleashed a war, occupied part of the territory, tried to get a veto right for the occupying administration at negotiations – nothing came of it.

We decided to seize Kyiv and impose Yanukovych by force – again nothing comes of it.

Sanitary zone

After the liquidation of the Novgorod veche, there was a pogrom in Novgorod. Looking at the cities liberated from Russian troops, you understand that the Kremlin's policy has not changed for hundreds of years.

Ukraine has no option to surrender without the option of destruction. There is only the option of a military defeat of the aggressor on the battlefield.

Western democracies have finally realized the scale of the threat and are ready to help Ukraine.

But the defeat of the aggressor will only be the beginning of the road. It will still be necessary to create democracies on the borders of Ukraine. To learn and help neighbors to form political elites and electoral skills among voters.

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